
序号 刊名 ISSN 载 体 备 注
181 Rocky Mountain Geology / 0010-7980
182 Saito HO-ON Kai Museum of Natural History / Research bulletin 0375-1821
183 Science Reports /Kyushu University (日文) 0916-7315
184 Science reports of Niigata University. Sec. E. (geology) 1342-2227
185 Science Reports of the institute of Geoscience,section B. Geological sciences 0388-6182
186 Science Reports of the Toyohashi Museum of Natural History (日文) 0917-1703
187 Scripta Geologica 0375-7587
188 Scriptum 1430-5267
189 Senckenbergiana biologica 0037-2102
190 Senckenbergiana lethaea 0037-2110
191 Senckenbergiana maritima 0080-889X
192 Slovak Geological Magazine 0335-096X
193 Smithsonian contribution to the Earth Sciences
194 Smithsonian contribution to the Paleobiology
195 Smithsonian contribution to the zoology
196 Special papers in Palaeontology 0038-6804
197 Studia Botanica Hungarica 0301-7001
198 Stuttgarter beit. Nat. ser. B 0341-0153
199 Stuttgarter beit. Nat. ser. C 0341-0161
200 Systematics and biodiversity 1477-2000
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