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国家重点实验室副主任; 中国古生物学会秘书长
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        现任中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所研究员、博士生导师,中国科学院特聘研究员,现代古生物学和地层学国家重点实验室副主任,南京大学生物演化与环境科教融合中心责任教授。中国科学院科技创新合作团队负责人、江苏省333高层次学科带头人重点培养对象。任中国古生物学会秘书长,古植物学分会副理事长,国际古生物学会理事,德国古生物学会通讯会员,国际地层委员会侏罗系分会选举委员,国际地球科学计划IGCP506项目共同主席等。担任英国《地质学杂志》(Geological Magazine)、德国《古生物学杂志》(Pal Zeit)等国际刊物编委。



        主要从事中生代古植物学和陆相地层学研究,在古植物系统解剖、多样性演化、时空分布、植被演替与古气候环境等方面取得重要成果。主要学术成就包括:1)重点开展蕨类和裸子植物化石解剖和系统演化研究,命名40余种植物化石新类型, 发现繁殖器官、根茎解剖及角质层超微观结构证据。2)揭示中生代特征植物类群多样性变化、时空分布模式及其起源辐射、繁盛消亡演化过程与全球气候背景的关系。3)系统研究四川盆地陆相三叠-侏罗系地层格架、生物多样性和古地理演变,有力推进我国陆相三叠-侏罗系的国际对比。4)建立侏罗纪典型真蕨植物生态群落并重建侏罗纪植被演化序列,提出两次重大气候升温事件观点并揭示其成因机制。5)恢复全球白垩纪古大气CO2浓度变化趋势,揭示与温室气候环境和地质事件的耦合关系。


6) 中生代陆相地层微古植物群与油气形成环境



7)江苏省333高层次学科带头人重点培养对象 (2007-2011,2012-2015)


1)《早白垩世中国东北陆地植被演化与古气候重建》, 国家自然科学基金重大项目“中国陆相白垩纪科学钻探高分辨率古环境记录与古气候演化”第四课题(41790454), 2018-2022, 主持
2)《古植物与环境背景》, 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)“地球内部过程与表层响应”第三课题“华北克拉通破坏与热河-燕辽生物群演化”子课题(XDB18030502),2016-2020, 主持
3)《古植物与古环境》, 国家自然科学基金委员会基础科学中心项目“克拉通破坏与陆地生物演化”专题 (41688103), 2017-2021, 主持
4)《四川广元和达州地区三叠纪-侏罗纪转换时期植物群演化与古环境背景》,国家自然科学基金项目(41572014), 2016-2019, 主持
5)《中国东部燕山期沉积盆地演化与资源效应》, 国家重点研发计划项目“燕山期重大地质事件的深部过程与资源效应”课题 (2016YFC0600406), 2016-2020, 参加
6)《中生代植物的创新与环境背景》, 中科院战略先导科技专项B类项目子课题 (XDB26010302), 2018-2023, 参加。
7)《现代陆地生态系统的起源与早期演化》,现代古生物学和地层学国家重点实验室自主项目 (2016-2020), 参加
8)《晚中生代东亚地区古气候重建》, 国家重点基础研究发展计划973项目《晚中生代温室地球气候-环境演变》第三课题 (2012CB822003), 2012-2016, 主持
9)《冀北辽西中晚侏罗世髫髻山组植物化石系统学、多样性和环境背景》,国家自然科学基金面上项目(41272010), 2013-2016,主持
10)《川东鄂西三叠-侏罗纪之交真蕨植物系统学和多样性演变》,国家自然科学基金面上项目(40972008), 2010-2012, 主持
11)《中生代植物演化与环境》, 中国科学院科技创新交叉与合作团队计划项目, 2013-2015, 主持
12)《中上扬子区早中生代气候环境变迁与生命演化》,中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性项目(KZCX2-YW-154), 2009-2011, 主持
13)《中国白垩纪重要时期古气候重建》,国家重点基础研究发展计划973项目“白垩纪地球表层系统重大地质事件与温室气候变化”第一课题 (2006CB701401), 2006-2010, 主持
14)《海相与非海相侏罗系:全球对比及重大地质事件》,联合国教科文组织与国际地科联资助-国际地球科学计划项目IGCP506, 2005-2010, 共同主持(co-leader)


1)        Pole M, Wang Yongdong*, Dong C, Xie XP, Tian N, Li N, Zhou N, Lu N, Xie AW, Zhang XQ, 2018. Fires and storms recorded in a Triassic-Jurassic transition section in the Sichuan Basin, China. Palaeobio Palaeoenv, 98:29–47 (SCI)
2)        Tian Ning, Wang Yongdong*, Zhang Wu, Zheng Shaolin, Zhu Zhipeng, Liu Zhongjian, 2017. Permineralized osmundaceous and gleicheniaceous ferns from the Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, NE China. Palaeobio Palaeoenv, 98:165-176 (SCI)
3)        Li Liqin, Wang Yongdong*, Vajda Vivi , Liu Zhaosheng , 2018. Late Triassic paleoclimate variations inferred by palynological records from Hechuan, southern Sichuan Basin, China. Geological Magazine, 1-18, doi:10.1017/S0016756817000735 (online published Sept 2017) (SCI)
4)        Xu XH, Yang LY, Sun BN, Yuan JD, Dong C, Wang YD, 2018. A new discovery of Chamaecyparis from the Lower Cretaceous of Inner Mongolia, North China and its significance. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 257 (2018) 64-76(SCI)
5)        谢奥伟, 王永栋*, 田宁, 蒋子堃, 谢小平, 李丽琴, 席书娜, 柳伟波, 邓春涛, 2018. 中生代化石森林的高精度重建: 方法、进展与展望. 古生物学报(出版中)
6)        朱志鹏, 李丰硕, 谢奥伟, 田宁, 王永栋, 2018. 浙江新昌早白垩世木化石新材料及内含真菌菌丝化石. 地质学报,92(6):1149-1162

1)        Guignard Gaetan, Yang Xiaoju, Wang Yongdong, 2017. Cuticle ultrastructure of Pseudofrenelopsis gansuensis: Further taxonomical implications for Cheirolepidiaceae. Cretaceous Research, 71: 24-39 (SCI)
2)        Xu XH, Yang LY, Sun BN, Wang YD, Chen P, 2017. A new Early Cretaceous Ginkgo ovulate organ with associated leaves from Inner Mongolia, China and its evolutionary significance. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 244, 163–181 (SCI)
3)        Jiang Zikun, Huang Min, Liu Benpei, Lu Yuanzheng, Deng Shenghui, Wang Yongdong, 2017. The Relationship Between Phototropism And Plate Motion. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 91(1):345~346 (SCI)
4)        Li Mingsong , Zhang Yang , Huang Chunju*, James Ogg, Linda Hinnov, Wang Yongdong*, Zou Zhuoyan, Li Liqin, 2017. Astronomical tuning and magnetostratigraphy of the Xujiahe Formation in South China and Newark Supergroup in North America: implications for the Late Triassic time scale. Earth and Plenary Science Letters, 475, 207–223 (SCI)
5)        Li QJ, An PC, Li J, Zhao ZR , Wu JY, Wang Yongdong*, Zhu YT, Ding ST, 2017. Cuticular structure of Storgaardia Harris from the Middle Jurassic of Northwest China and its systematic and biogeographical significances. Palaeoworld, 26:149–158 (SCI)
6)        Xing LD, Lockley MG, Wang Yongdong, Mike S. Pole, Hendrik Klein, Guangzhao Peng, Xiaoping Xie, Guoquan Zhang, Chuntao Deng, Michael E. Burns, 2017. New Middle Jurassic dinosaur track record from northeastern Sichuan Province, China. Swiss J Palaeontol, 136:359-364, DOI 10.1007/s13358-016-0123-4 (SCI)
7)        Wang Yongdong*, Li LQ, Xie XP, Tian N, Dong C, Lu N, Zhou N, Xie AW, Ouyang H, Zhang GQ, Xi SN, Deng CT, 2017. The terrestrial Triassic-Jurassic boundary, stratigraphic sequences and biota in the Sichuan Basin. In: Tong JN and Wang YD (eds.), Linking the land and the Sea: Field guide book for the 2nd Joint Conference of the Palaeontological Society of China and the Palaeontologische Gesellschaft. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, pp.227-322(英文专著章节)
8)        Yang Qun, Joachim Reitner, Wang Yongdong, Mike Reich, 2017. Preface. In: Yang Q, Reitner J, Wang YD, Reich M (eds.), Critical Intervals in Earth Hiostory: Palaeonbiological Innovations. Abstract volume of the 2nd Joint Conference of the the Palaeontological Society of China and the Pal?eontologische Gesellschaft. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, pp.III-VI(英文专著章节)
9)        Tong Jinnan, Wang Yongdong, Sun Yuanlin, Zhou Chuanmin, Zhao Fangcheng, 2017. Preface. In: Tong JN, Wang YD (eds.): Linking the land and the Sea: Field guide book for the 2nd Joint Conference of the Palaeontological Society of China and the Palaeontologische Gesellschaft. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, pp.I-II(英文专著章节)
10)        Yang Qun, Joachim Reitner, Wang Yongdong, Mike Reich, 2017. Critical Intervals in Earth Hiostory: Palaeonbiological Innovations. Abstract volume of the 2nd Joint Conference of the the Palaeontological Society of China and the Pal?eontologische Gesellschaft. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, pp.1-552 (英文论文专辑)
11)        Tong Jinnan and Wang Yongdong (eds.), 2017. Linking the land and the Sea: Field guide book for the 2nd Joint Conference of the Palaeontological Society of China and the Palaeontologische Gesellschaft. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, pp.1-327(英文论文专辑)
12)        王永栋*, 田宁, 蒋子堃, 杨小菊, 丁秋红, 2017. 中国中生代木化石研究新进展: 多样性变化及古气候波动. 地学前缘,24(1):52-64
13)        邓胜徽,卢远征,赵怡,樊茹,王永栋,杨小菊,李鑫,孙柏年,2017. 中国侏罗纪古气候分区与演变. 地学前缘,24(1):106-142
14)        吴向午, 王永栋, 2016. 中国银杏目植物化石记录. 合肥:中国科学技术出版社, 1-189页(中、英文专著) Wu Xiangwu, Wang Yongdong, 2017. Record of Megafossil Ginkgophytes from China. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, pp.1-189.

1)        Jiang Zikun, Wang Yongdong*, Philippe Marc, Zhang Wu, Tian Ning & Zheng Shaolin, 2016. A Jurassic wood providing insights into the earliest step in Ginkgo wood evolution. Scientific Reports, 6:38191 (SCI)
2)        Tian Ning, Wang Yongdong*, Philippe Marc, Li Liqin, Xie Xiaoping, Jiang Zikun, 2016. New record of fossil wood Xenoxylon from the Late Triassic in the Sichuan Basin, southern China and its palaeoclimatic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 464:65-75 (SCI)
3)        Ding QH, Tian Ning, Wang Yongdong*, Jiang ZK, Chen SW, Wang D, Zhang W, Zheng SL, Xie AW, Zhang GQ, Liu ZJ, 2015. Fossil coniferous wood from the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota in western Liaoning, NE China: new material and palaeoclimate implications. Cretaceous Research, 61:57-70 (SCI)
4)        Pole Mike, Wang Yongdong*, Bugdaeva Eugenia V., Dong Chong, Tian Ning, Li Liqin, Zhou Ning, 2016. The rise and demise of Podozamites in East Asia – An extinct conifer life style, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 464: 97-109 (SCI)
5)        Tian N., Wang Yongdong*, Dong M., Li L.Q., Jiang Z.K., 2016. A systematic overview of fossil osmundalean ferns in China: diversity variation, distribution pattern and evolutionary implications. Palaeoworld, 25: 149–169 (SCI)
6)        Zhou N., Wang Yongdong*, Li L.Q., Zhang X.Q., 2016. Diversity variation and tempo-spatial distribution of the Dipteridaceae ferns in the Mesozoic of China. Palaeoworld, 25:263–286 (SCI)
7)        Li Liqing, Wang Yongdong*, 2016. Late Triassic palynofloras in the Sichuan Basin, South China: Synthesis and perspective. Palaeoworld, 25: 212–238 (SCI)
8)        Li L.Q., Wang Yongdong*, Liu Z.S., Zhou N., Wang Y., 2016. Late Triassic palaeoclimate and palaeoecosystem variations inferred by palynological record in the northeastern Sichuan Basin, China. Pal?ontologische Zeitschrift, 90:327–348 (SCI)
9)        Wu J.Y., Ding S.T., Li Q.J., Sun B.N., Wang Yongdong*, 2016. Reconstructing paleoatmospheric CO2 levels based on fossil Ginkgoites from the Upper Triassic and Middle Jurassic in Northwest China, Pal?ontologische Zeitschrift, 90:377–387 (SCI)
10)        Yang Q, Wang Y, Reich M, Reitner J, 2016. Systematics and biodiversity of fossil Lagerst?tten: Proceedings for joint conference of the Pal?ontologische Gesellschaft and the Palaeontological Society of China. Palaeoworld , 25 (2016) 135–137 (SCI)
11)        Reitner, J, Yang Q, Wang Y, Reich M, 2016. Guest editors for Special issue “Palaeobiology and Fossil Lagerst?tten: a tribute and memorial to Adolf Seilacher”. PalZ, 90:189-447 (19 international contributions) (SCI)
12)        Reitner, J, Yang Q, Wang Y, Reich M, 2016. Editorial: special issue ‘‘Palaeobiology and Fossil Lagerst?tten: a tribute and memorial to Adolf Seilacher’’. PalZ, 90:189 (SCI)
13)        Reitner, J, Reich M, Yang Q, Wang Y, 2016. Preface: special issue ‘‘Palaeobiology and Fossil Lagerst?tten: a tribute and memorial to Adolf Seilacher’’. PalZ (2016) 90:191–192 (SCI)
14)        蒋子堃,王永栋*,田宁,张武,郑少林,2016. 辽西北票中晚侏罗世髫髻山组木化石的古气候、古环境和古生态意义。地质学报,90 (8):1669-1678
15)        王岩,李丽琴,张筱青,2016. 煤中惰质组在泥炭沼泽古环境研究中的应用. 地质论评, 62(2):375-380
16)        张筱青,张国权,席书娜,李丽琴,邓春涛,王岩,周宁,王永栋*,宋宜,2016. 三叠系侏罗系界线古火灾事件研究:方法、进展及展。古生物学报,55(3):331-345
17)        Jiang D.X., Robbins, N., Wang Y.D., Yang H.Q., 2016. Petrolipalynology. Springer. 1-263 pp. ISBN 978-3-662-47945-2. DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-47946-9. Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London (英文专著)

1)        Wang Yongdong*, Li L.Q., Guignard G., Dilcher D. L., Xie X.P., Tian N., Zhou N., Wang Y., 2015. Fertile structures with in situ spores of a dipterid fern from the Triassic in southern China. Journal of Plant Research, 128:445-457 (SCI)
2)        TIAN Ning, XIE AoWei, WANG YongDong*, JIANG ZiKun, LI LiQin, YIN YaLei, ZHU ZhiPeng, WANG JiaJia. New records of Jurassic petrified wood in Jianchang of western Liaoning, China and their palaeoclimate implications. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 2015, 58 (12): 2154-2164 (SCI)
3)        王永栋*, 孙柏年, 黄成敏, 全成, 2015. 地史时期古大气二氧化碳变化趋势与温室气候—以中生代白垩纪为例. 自然杂志,37(2):108-114.
4)        刘兆生, 李丽琴, 王永栋*, 2015. 四川宣汉晚三叠世孢粉组合及其古植被和古气候意义. 微体古生物学报, 32(1):43-62.
5)        刘兆生, 李丽琴, 王永栋*, 2015. 重庆合川地区晚三叠世须家河组孢粉组合. 古生物学报, 54 (3): 279-304
6)        鲁宁, 谢小平, 王永栋, 李丽琴, 2015. 四川宣汉七里峡T3x /T2l 界线沉积环境演化分析。沉积学报, 33(6): 41-50.
7)        田宁, 王永栋, 蒋子堃, 李丽琴, 张武, 丁秋红, 2015. 紫萁科植物—漫长演化历史的见证者。大自然,4: 44-47
8)        周宁,李丽琴,王永栋,2015. 双扇蕨科植物的兴衰演化探秘。大自然,4: 48-51
9)        王秀芹, 田宁, 王永栋, 朱志鹏, 李玉玲, 2015. 辽西义县下白垩统九佛堂组木化石的发现. 世界地质. 34(4): 879-885.
10)        Tian Ning, Li Liqin, Jiang Zikun, Wang Yongdong, 2015. Mesozoic and Cenozoic fossil wood in America. In: Zhang Wu, et al., An Introduction to the World’s Petrified Wood. Beijing: Geological Publishing House. 516-587. (专著章节)
11)        Jiang Zikun, Wang Yongdong, Li Liqin, 2015. Mesozoic and Cenozoic fossil wood in Western Europe. In: Zhang Wu, et al. (ed.), An Introduction to the World’s Petrified Wood. Beijing: Geological Publishing House. 348-392. (专著章节)
12)        Li Liqin, WANG Yongdong, Liu Zhaosheng, Zhou Ning, Wang Yan, 2014. Late Triassic palaeoclimate and palaeoecosystem variations inferred by palynological record in the northeastern Sichuan basin, China. Science Reports of Niigata University, 29, 41-42.
1)        Wang Yongdong*, Huang CM, Sun BN, Quan C, Wu JY, Lin ZC, 2014. Paleo-CO2 variation trends and the Cretaceous greenhouse climate. Earth-Science Reviews, 129:136-147 (SCI)
2)        Tian N, Wang Yongdong*, Zhang W, Jiang ZK, 2014. A new structurally preserved fern rhizome of Osmundaceae (Filicales) Ashicaulis wangii sp. nov. from the Jurassic of western Liaoning and its significances for palaeobiogeography and evolution. Science China: Earth Sciences, 57(4): 671-681 (SCI)
3)        Tian N, Wang Yongdong*, Philippe M, Zhang W, Jiang ZK, Li LQ, 2014. A specialized new species of Ashicaulis (Osmundaceae, Filicales) from the Jurassic of Liaoning, NE China. Journal of Plant Research, 127:209-219 (SCI)
4)        Wang Yongdong, Wu XW, Yang XJ, Duan W, Li LQ, 2014. The discovery of Jurassic plants from Shenzhen of Guangdong , southern China and related significances. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59(28):3630–3637 (SCI)
5)        王永栋*,吴向午,杨小菊,段维,李丽琴,2014. 广东深圳地区侏罗纪植物化石的发现及意义. 科学通报, 59(19): 1874-1880
6)        田宁, 王永栋*, 张武, 蒋子堃, 2014. 辽西侏罗纪紫萁根茎化石新材料(Ashicaulis wangii sp. nov.)及古生物地理学和演化意义.中国科学:地球科学, 44(10): 2262- 2273
7)        李丽琴, 王永栋*, 2014. 孢粉生态群模型(SEG)及其在古环境研究中的应用. 古生物学报, 53(3): 335-344
1)        Tian Ning, Wang Yongdong*, Zhang Wu, Jiang Zikun and David L. Dilcher, 2013. Ashicaulis beipiaoensis sp. nov., a new osmundaceous fern species from the Middle Jurassic of Liaoning Province, northeasternChina. Int. J. Plant Sci. 174(3): 328-339 (SCI)
2)        Yang Xiaoju, Wang Yongdong, Zhang Wu, 2013. Occurrences of Early Cretaceous fossil woods in China: Implications for paleoclimates. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 385(1): 213–220 (SCI)
3)        Sun BN, Du BX, Ferguson DK, Chen JL, He YL, Wang Yongdong, 2013. Fossil Equisetum from the Lower Cretaceous in Jiuquan Basin, Gansu, Northwest China and its paleoclimatic significance. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 385: 202–212 (SCI)
4)        Wang Yongdong*, Tian Ning, Jiang Zikun, Xie Xiaoping, Huang Qisheng, Li Liqin, 2013. Flroal and ecological changes across the Triassic – Jurassic transition in the Sichuan basin, SW China. In: Reitner, J., Yang, Q., Wang Y., Reich, M. (Eds.), Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerst?tten through Earth History. Universit?tsverlag G?ttingen, p.180-181.
5)        Reitner, J., Yang, Qun, Wang Yongdong, Reich, M.(eds.), 2013. Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerst?tten through Earth History. Universit?tsverlag G?ttingen, p.1-217
6)        Yang Qun, Wang Yongdong, 2013. Preface. In: Reitner, J., Yang, Q., Wang Y., Reich, M. (Eds.), Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerst?tten through Earth History. Universit?tsverlag G?ttingen, p.9
7)        Li Liqin, Wang Yongdong*, Liu Zhaosheng, 2013. Late Triassic palynofloras and their palaeoenvironmental significance from Xuanhan of Sichuan Province, southwestern China. In: Reitner, J., Yang, Q., Wang Y., Reich, M. (Eds.), Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerst?tten through Earth History. Universit?tsverlag G?ttingen, p.99-100.
8)        Tian Ning, Wang Yongdong*, Zhang Wu, Jiang Zikun, 2013. New data of fossil Osmundaceous ferns (Filicales) from the Middle Jurassic of westernLiaoningand their evolutionary significance. In: Reitner, J., Yang, Q., Wang Y., Reich, M. (Eds.), Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerst?tten through Earth History. Universit?tsverlag G?ttingen, p.165-166.
9)        王永栋,蒋子堃,李丽琴,2013. 欧洲地区中、新生代木化石. 见:张武等主编, "世界木化石概论". 北京:地质出版社, 351-396.
10)        王永栋, 田宁, 2013. 美洲地区中、新生代木化石. 见:张武等主编, "世界木化石概论". 北京:地质出版社, 528-605.
11)        王永栋,2013. 香溪煤系及植物群. 见:陈旭,袁训来主编,地层学与古生物学研究生华南野外实习指南. 合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社,275-284.
12)        戴静, 孙柏年, 谈树成, 高博, 赵志芳, 王永栋, 2013. 福建永安坂头组植物及古气候分析. 吉林大学学报 (地球科学版), 43(1): 158-171
1)        Jiang Zikun, Wang Yongdong*, Zheng ShaoLin, Zhang Wu & Tian Ning, 2012. Occurrence of Sciadopitys-like fossil wood (Coniferales) in the Jurassic of western Liaoning and its evolutionary implications. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(6): 569-572 (SCI)
2)        Zhang Wu, Yang Xiaoju, Fu Xiaoping, Zheng Shaolin, Wang Yongdong, 2012. A polyxylic Cycad trunk from the Middle Jurassic of western Liaoning, China, and its evolutionary implications. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 183: 50–60 (SCI)
3)        蒋子堃, 王永栋*, 郑少林, 张武, 田宁, 2012. 辽西侏罗纪金松型木化石的新发现及演化意义.科学通报, 57(1): 32-35 (*通讯作者) (封面文章)
4)        戴静, 孙柏年, 刀克群, 董重, 王永栋, 田宁, 2012. 福建永安下白垩统坂头组枝脉蕨属一新种 Cladophlebis yonganensis sp. nov. 地球科学(中国地质大学学报), 37(3): 401-410

5)        Sun Bainian, Dai J., Wang Yongdong, Jia Hui, Yan Defei and Jiang Zikun, 2011. Pseudofrenelopsis fossils from Cretaceous gypsum beds in Guixi, Jiangxi Province, China and their geological significance. Island Arc, 20:43–56 (SCI)
6)        戴静,孙柏年,董重,王永栋,丁素婷,2011. 福建永安下白垩统坂头组Elatides属雌球果化石研究. 地学前缘, 18(1): 222-230
7)        石燕,蒋子堃,王永栋,2011. 英格兰侏罗纪海岸的远古生命足迹. 大自然, 5:15-17

8)        Wang Yongdong*, Zhang Hong, 2010. Fertile organs and in situ spores of a new dipteridaceous fern (Hausmannia sinensis) from the Jurassic of northern China. Proceedings of Royal Society B, 277, 311–320. (SCI)
9)        Wang Yongdong*, Fu BH, Xie XP, Huang QS, Li K, Li G., Liu ZS, Yu JX, Pan YH, Tian N, Jiang ZK, 2010. The terrestrial Triassic and Jurassic Systems in the Sichuan Basin, China. University of Science & Technology of China Press, 1-216
10)        杨群,周忠和,王向东,童金南,王永栋,2010. 中国古生物学的发展与展望。见:中国科学技术学会主编,中国古生物学会编著:古生物学科发展报告。北京:中国科学技术出版社。3-32页。
11)        王永栋,2010. 第二节 古生物学。见:中国科学技术协会主编:学科发展报告-综合卷。北京:中国科学技术出版社,14-19页。
12)        王 军, 王永栋,王怿,孙柏年,孙革,邓胜徽,王鑫,2010. 古植物学. 见:中国科学技术学会主编,中国古生物学会编著:古生物学科发展报告。中国科学技术出版社,北京, 114-130

1)        Wang Yongdong*, Yang Xiaoju, Guignard G., Deng Shenghui, Tian Ning, Jiang Zikun, 2009. The fossil Gleicheniaceous ferns of China: Biodiversity, systematics, spore ultrastructure and evolution. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 156: 139-156 (SCI)
2)        Wang Yongdong*, Yang Xiaoju, Zhang Wu, Zheng Shaolin, Tian Ning, 2009. Biodiversity and palaeoclimatic implications of fossil woods from the non-marine Jurassic of China. Episodes, 32(1) 13-20 (SCI)
3)        Guignard, Gaetan, Wang Yongdong*, Ni, Qing, Tian, Ning, Jiang, Zikun, 2009. A dipteridaceous fern with in situ spores from the Lower Jurassic in Hubei, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 156: 104–115 (SCI)
4)        Yang Xiaoju, Guignard G., Thévenard F., Wang Yongdong, Barale, G., 2009. Leaf cuticle ultrastructure of Pseudofrenelopsis dalatzensis (Chow et Tsao) Cao ex Zhou (Cheirolepidiaceae) from the Lower Cretaceous Dalazi Formation of Jilin, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 153(1-2): 8-18 (SCI)
5)        Wang Xin, Li Nan, Wang Yongdong, Zheng Shaolin, 2009. The discovery of whole-plant fossil cycad from the Upper Triassic in western Liaoning and its significance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54: 3116-3119. (SCI)
6)        王永栋, 田宁, 蒋子堃, 梅盛吴, 2009. 鄂西早侏罗世香溪植物群真蕨植物研究进展. 古生物学报, 48(3): 527-540.
7)        江德昕,王永栋*,魏江,2009. 新疆乌恰中侏罗世孢粉植物群及其环境意义。古地理学报,11(2): 205-214
8)        孙柏年, 阎德飞, 谢三平, 王永栋, 2009. 化石植物气孔与碳同位素分析及应用。北京:科学出版社,222页。

1)        Wang Yongdong* and Axsmith, B. J., 2008. Biodiversity, anatomy and evolution of Mesozoic plants: an introduction. Palaeoworld, 17(3/4): 163-165. (SCI)
2)        Wang Yongdong*, Ni Qing, Tian Ning, Jiang Zikun, 2008. Diversity variation and tempo-spatial distribution of Otozamites (Bennettitales) in the Mesozoic of China. Palaeoworld, 17(3/4): 222-234. (SCI)
3)        Jiang Dexin, Wang Yongdong*, Robbins E. I., Wei Jiang, Tian Ning, 2008. Mesozoic non-marine petroleum source rocks determined by palynomorphs in the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, northwestern China. Geological Magazine 145 (6): 868–885 (SCI)
4)        Tian Ning, Wang Yongdong*, Jiang Zikun, 2008. Permineralized rhizomes of the Osmundaceae (Filicales): fossil records, diversity and tempo-spatial distribution pattern. Palaeoworld, 17(3/4): 183-200 (SCI)
5)        Jiang Zikun, Wang Yongdong*, Tian Ning, 2008. Preliminary investigations on fossil diversity variation of the Mesozoic Marattialean ferns in China. Global Geology, 11(3): 130-134.
6)        Tian Ning, Wang Yongdong*, Yang Xiaoju, Ni Qing, Jiang Zikun, 2008. Preliminary study on the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic strata and floral variation in Hechuan region of Chongqing, southern Sichuan Basin. Global Geology, 11(3): 125-129
7)        倪 庆, 王永栋*, 田宁, 蒋子堃, 2008. 从植物化石叶片中获取古大气CO2浓度的信息.自然杂志, 30(2): 102-105 (*通讯作者)
8)        江德昕, 王永栋*, 何卓生, 董凯林, 2008. 新疆塔里木盆地中侏罗世塔尔尕组孢粉植物群及其地层和古地理意义. 微体古生物学报, 25(4): 233-244 (*通讯作者)
9)        任文秀, 孙柏年, 李相传, 吴靖宇, 肖良, 王永栋, 2008. 浙江白垩系两种掌鳞杉科化石微细结构及其古环境意义. 地质学报, 82(5): 577-583.

1)        Sun B.N., Xiao L., Xie S.P., Deng S.H., Wang Y.D., Jia H., Turner, S., 2007. Quantitative analysis of Paleoatmospheric CO2 level Based on stomatal characters of fossil Ginkgo from Jurassic to Cretaceous in China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 81(6): 901-809 (SCI)
2)        江德昕, 王永栋*, 魏江, 2007. 新疆乌恰早白垩世孢粉植物群及其环境意义. 古地理学报,9(2):185-196
3)        Wang Yongdong*, Wu Xiangwu, 2007. Records and diversity of fossil Bryophytes in China. Chenia, 9:61-72.
4)        Wu Xiangwu, Zhou Zhiyan, Wang Yongdong, 2007. Nomenclatural notes on some ginkgoalean fossil plants from China. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 45(6): 880-883 (SCI)
5)        Zhang Wu, Wang Yongdong*, Zheng Shaolin, Yang Xiaoju, Li Yong, Fu Xiaoping and Li Nan, 2007. Taxonomic investigations on permineralized conifer woods from the Late Paleozoic Angaran deposits of northeastern Inner Mongolia, China and their palaeoclimatic significance. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 144:261-285 (SCI)

1)        Wang Yongdong*, Zhang Wu, Zheng Shaolin, Pratueng Jintasakul, Paul J. Grote, Nareerat Boonchai, 2006. Recent advances in the study of Mesozoic-Cenozoic petrified wood from Thailand. Progress in Natural Science, 16(5): 501-506 (SCI)
2)        王永栋*, 李楠, 杨小菊, 张武, 2006. 侏罗纪木化石. 见: 张武, 李勇, 郑少林等主编, 《中国木化石》. 120-174页. 北京: 中国林业出版社.
3)        Wang Yongdong*, Saiki, K., Zhang Wu, Zheng Shaolin, 2006. Biodiversity and palaeoclimate of the Middle Jurassic Tiaojishan Formation from West Liaoning. Progress in Natural Science, 16: 222-230 (SCI)
4)        Zhang Wu., Wang Yongdong*, Saiki K., Li N. and Zheng S.L., 2006. Structurally preserved cycad-like stem, Lioxylon liaoningense gent. et sp. nov., from the Middle Jurassic in Western Liaoning, China. Progress in Natural Science, 16: 236-248 (SCI)
5)        郑少林, 王永栋, 杨小菊, 依铁梅, 2006. 中国木化石与古地理和古气候. 见: 张武, 李勇, 郑少林等主编,《中国木化石》. 319-333页. 北京: 中国林业出版社.
6)        江德昕, 王永栋*, 魏江, 2006. 陕西铜川晚三叠世孢粉植物群及其环境意义. 古地理学报,8(1): 24-33 (*通讯作者)
7)        江德昕, 王永栋*, 何卓生, 董凯林, 倪庆, 田宁, 2006. 新疆塔里木盆地早白垩世克孜勒苏群孢粉组合. 微体古生物学报, 23(4): 361-380 (*通讯作者).
8)        Sha Jingeng, Morton N., Wang Yongdong, Olsen P., Pienkowski G., Wimbledon W.A.P. and Riccardi A., 2006. Marine and Non-marine Jurassic: Boundary Events and Correlation. Progress in Natural Science, 16 (special Issue): I-VI (SCI)
9)        杨小菊, 李勇, 王永栋, 2006. 白垩纪木化石. 见: 张武, 李勇, 郑少林等主编,《中国木化石》。175-239页. 北京: 中国林业出版社.
10)        张武, 李楠, 杨小菊, 王永栋, 傅小平, 李勇, 郑少林, 2006. 内蒙古早三叠世的Scalaroxylon及其演化意义. 古生物学报, 45(3): 332-344
11)        Matsumoto, M., Saiki, K., Zhang, W., Zheng, S.L., Wang Yongdong, 2006. A new species of Osmundaceous fern rhizome, Ashicaulis macromedullosus sp. nov., from the Middle Jurassic, northern China. Palaeontological Research, 10(3):195-205 (SCI)
1)        Wang Yongdong*, Cao Zhengyao, Thevenard, F., 2005. Additional data on Todites (Osmundaceae) from the Lower Jurassic – with special references to the palaeogeographical and stratigraphical distributions in China. Geobios, 38:823-841 (SCI)
2)        Wang Yongdong*, Mosbrugger, V., Zhang, H., 2005. Early-Middle Jurassic vegetation and climate events in the Qaidam Basin, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 224: 200-216 (SCI)
3)        Wang Yongdong*, Guignard, G, Thevenard, F., Dilcher, D, Barale, G., Mosbrugger, G. XJ Yang, and Mei S.W., 2005. Cuticular anatomy of Sphenobaiera huangii (Ginkgoales) from the Lower Jurassic of Hubei, China. American Journal of Botany, 92(4) : 709-721 (SCI)
4)        Wang Yongdong*, Zhang Wu, Zheng Shaolin, Saiki, K. and Li Nan, 2005. New discovery of fossil cycad-like plants from the Middle Jurassic of Western Liaoning. Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(16): 1804-1807 (SCI)
5)        郑少林, 李勇, 张武, 王永栋, 杨小菊, 李楠, 傅小平, 2005. 辽西侏罗纪木化石Sahnioxylon(萨尼木属)及其系统学意义. 世界地质, 24(3):210-216

1)        Tuetkena T., Pfretzschner H.-U., Vennemann T.W., Sun G., Wang Y.D., 2004. Paleobiology and skeletochronology of Jurassic dinosaurs: implications from the histology and oxygen isotope compositions of bones. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 206: 217– 238. (SCI)
2)        Saiki, K. and Wang Yongdong, 2003. Preliminary analysis of climate indicate plant distribution in the Early Cretaceous of China. Journal of Asia Earth Sciences, 21(8): 813-822. (SCI)
3)        Shen Guanglong and Wang Yongdong, 2003. Permian floral events in North Qilian Mountains, Northwest China. Cour. Forsch. Inst. Senckenburg, 241: 43-49
4)        Jiang Dexin, Wang Yongdong*, 2002. Middle Jurassic sporo-pollen assemblage from the Yanan Formation of Dongsheng, Inner Mongolia. Acta Botanica Sinica, 44 (2): 230-238
5)        Wang Yongdong, 2002. Fern ecological implications from the Lower Jurassic in Wetsrn Hubei, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 119: 125-141 (SCI).
6)        Zhou Zhiyan, Zhan Bole, Wang Yongdong, Gaetan Guignard, 2002. A new Karkenia (Ginkgoales) from the Jurassic Yima Formation, Henan, China and its megaspore membrane ultrastructure. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 120: 91-105 (SCI)

1)        Wang Yongdong*, G. Guignard and G. Barale, 2001. Ultrastructure of in situ Marattia asiatica (Marattiaceae) spores from the Lower Jurassic in Hubei, China. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 162(4): 927-936 (SCI)
2)        Wang Yongdong*, G. Guignard and G. Barale, 1999. Morphological and ultrastructural studies on spores in situ of Oligocarpia (Gleicheniaceae) from the Lower Permian of Xinjiang, China. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 160 (5): 1035-1045 (SCI)
3)        Wang Yongdong*, 1999. Fertile organs and in situ spores of Marattia asiatica (Kawasaki) Harris (Marattiales) from the Lower Jurassic Hsiangchi Formation in Hubei, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 107(3/4): 125-134. (SCI)
4)        Wang Yongdong* and Wu Xiuyuan, 1999. Oligocarpia kepingensis sp. nov. from the Permian of Northern Tarim Basin, Xinjiang and its in situ spores. Chinese Science Bulletin, 44 (4): 108-112. (SCI)
5)        Wang Yongdong* and Mei Shengwu, 1999. Fertile organs and in situ spores of a matoniaceous fern from the Lower Jurassic of West Hubei. Chinese Science Bulletin, 44 (14): 1333-1337 (SCI).
1)        Wang Yongdong*, Jiang Dexin, Yang Huiqiu, Sun Feng, 1998. Middle Jurassic spore-pollen assemblages from Turpan-Shanshan area, Xinjiang. Acta Botanica Sinica, 40 (10): 969 (SCI)
2)        Wang Yongdong*, 1996. Carboniferous palynostratigraphy and strato-boundaries in Zhongwei of Ningxia, China. J. Northwest Univ. (English Edit.), 26: 43-48
3)        Wang Yongdong*, Shen Guanglong and Wu Xiuyuan, 1996. Micro- and megafloral remains of Namurian H-G1 Zones from Zhongwei, Ningxia, China. Palaeobotanist, 45:224-232
4)        Shen Guanglong, Wang Yongdong, Wang Jun, Liu Huaqing and Zhang Shuangquan, 1996. Tectonic implications of Permian floras in China. Palaeobotanist, 45:324-3281995
5)        Wang Yongdong, 1995. Palynological zonations and paleoecology of Carboniferous sequence from Zhongwei of Ningxia, China. Palaeobotanist, 44: 48-61
1)        Wang Yongdong, Fu BH, Xie XP, Huang QS, Li K, Li G., Liu ZS, Yu JX, Pan YH, Tian N, Jiang ZK, 2010. The terrestrial Triassic and Jurassic Systems in the Sichuan Basin, China. Hefei: University of Science & Technology of China Press, 2010, 1-216.【中、英文专著】中文版:王永栋, 付碧宏, 谢小平,黄其胜,李奎,李罡,刘兆生,喻建新,泮燕红,田宁,蒋子堃, 2010. 四川盆地陆相三叠系与侏罗系. 合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社,1-178页。
2)        吴向午, 王永栋, 2016. 中国银杏目植物化石记录. 合肥:中国科学技术出版社, 1-189页(中、英文专著) Wu Xiangwu, Wang Yongdong, 2017. Record of Megafossil Ginkgophytes from China. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, pp.1-189.
3)        Jiang D.X., Robbins, N., Wang Y.D., Yang H.Q., 2016. Petrolipalynology. Springer. 1-263 pp. ISBN 978-3-662-47945-2. DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-47946-9. Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London (Springer出版社英文专著)
4)        孙柏年,阎德飞,谢三平,王永栋, 2009. 化石植物气孔与碳同位素的分析及应用. 北京:科学出版社,2009,222页。
5)        张武, 李勇, 郑少林, 李楠, 王永栋, 杨小菊, 杨家驹, 扆铁梅, 傅小平, 2006. 中国木化石. 北京:中国林业出版社,2006,356页 (英文版: “Fossil Woods of China”. Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House, 2008, 356 pp)
6)        孙革, 郑少林, D. 迪尔切, 王永栋, 梅盛吴, 2001. 辽西早期被子植物及伴生植物. 上海科技教育出版社,227页。
7)        张 泓, 熊存为, 李衡堂, 张 慧, 王永栋, 何宗莲, 蔺广茂, 孙柏年, 1998. 中国西北侏罗纪含煤地层及聚煤规律. 北京: 地质出版社, 317页,100图版。
1)        Yang Qun, Joachim Reitner, Wang Yongdong, Mike Reich, 2017. Critical Intervals in Earth Hiostory: Palaeonbiological Innovations. Abstract volume of the 2nd Joint Conference of the the Palaeontological Society of China and the Pal?eontologische Gesellschaft. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, pp.1-552 (第二届中德古生物国际会议论文专辑)
2)        Tong Jinnan and Wang Yongdong (eds.), 2017. Linking the land and the Sea: Field guide book for the 2nd Joint Conference of the Palaeontological Society of China and the Palaeontologische Gesellschaft. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, pp.1-327(第二届中德古生物国际会议野外考察专集)
3)        Yang Q, Wang Y, Reich M, Reitner J (Guest Editors), 2016. Systematics and biodiversity of fossil Lagerst?tten: Proceedings for joint conference of the Pal?ontologische Gesellschaft and the Palaeontological Society of China. Palaeoworld, 25:135-332
4)        Reitner, J, Yang Q, Wang Y, Reich M, 2016. Guest editors for Special issue “Palaeobiology and Fossil Lagerst?tten: a tribute and memorial to Adolf Seilacher”. PalZ, 90:189-447 (19 international contributions)
5)        Reitner, J., Yang, Qun, Wang Yongdong, Reich, M.(eds.), 2013. Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerst?tten through Earth History. Universit?tsverlag G?ttingen, p.1-217
6)        Wang Yongdong and Axsmith, B. J. (Guest Editors), 2008. Biodiversity, anatomy and evolution of Mesozoic plants. Palaeoworld, 17(3/4): 163-264.
7)        Sha J.G., Wang Yongdong, Turner S. (Guest Editors), 2006. Marine and Non-marine Jurassic: boundary events and correlation. Progress in Natural Science, 16 (Special Issue): 1-322
8)        Yang Qun, Wang Yongdong, Weldon Elizabeth A. (Editors in Chief), 2006. Ancient Life and Modern Approaches. University of Science and Technology of China Press, Hefei, 555 pp.
9)        杨群,周忠和,王向东,童金南,王永栋(客座主编),2009.《中国古生物学会成立80周年纪念论文集》。《古生物学报》,48卷3期:293-588(共收录全国各地论文25篇)。
10)        Sha Jingen, Wan Xiaoqiao, Pan Yanhong, Wang Yongdong (chief editors), 2010. Marine and non-marine Jurassic. Short papers for the 8th International Congress on the Jurassic System. Earth Science Frontiers, 17(special issue): 1-412
11)        沙金庚, 史晓颖, 周忠和, 王永栋(主编),2010. 第八届国际侏罗系大会地层丛书。合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社. 英文版: Sha Jingeng, Shi Xiaoying, Zhou Zhonghe & Wang Yongdong (chief editors), 2010. Contributions to the 8th International Congress on the Jurassic System. Outline of the Jurassic and Cretaceous Systems in Western Liaoning, NE China. The Jurassic System of northern Xinjiang, China. The Terrestrial Triassic and Jurassic Systems in the Sichuan Basin, China. The Jurassic System of Thailand. University of Sciences & Technology of China Press (Hefei). (in both English and Chinese).

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