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  中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所研究员,博士生导师。从事奥陶纪、志留纪地层、腕足动物及相关领域的研究,2000年以来主要致力于奥陶纪生物大辐射和奥陶纪末大灭绝的研究。现任国际古生物协会秘书长,亚洲古生物协会主席,国际奥陶系分会选举委员,国际志留系分会秘书、选举委员,中国古生物学会理事长,IGCP 591(2011.05–2016.05)联合负责人,美国《Journal of Paleontology》副主编,澳大利亚《Alcheringa》及英国《Geology Today》编委。国家基金委创新研究群体负责人(2013.01~2018.12)。 


  1982.09–1986.07  南京大学地质系,学士学位; 

  1986.09–1989.07  中科院南京地质古生物研究所,硕士学位; 

  1991.09–1994.06  中科院南京地质古生物研究所,博士学位。 


  1989.08–1992.07  中科院南京地质古生物研究所  研究实习员; 

  1992.08–1996.02  中科院南京地质古生物研究所  助理研究员; 

  1996.03–1998.05  中科院南京地质古生物研究所  副研究员; 

  1998.06–现今  中科院南京地质古生物研究所  研究员。其后,分别于1999年、2001年、2005年三次竞聘为中国科学院创新工程研究员;20091月晋升为二级研究员。 

  1996.12–1997.12  英国自然历史博物馆,博士后,合作者Robin Cocks博士; 

  1999.04–2000.05  加拿大西安大略大学地科系,访问教授,合作者靳吉锁教授、Paul Copper教授及Glen Coldwell教授; 

  2000.05–2002.04  中科院南京地质古生物所,博士后,合作导师戎嘉余院士; 

  2004.02–2004.08  加拿大西安大略大学地球科学系,访问教授; 

  2006.09–2006.12  加拿大西安大略大学地球科学系,访问教授; 

  2008.09–2008.12  加拿大西安大略大学地球科学系,访问教授; 

  2012.09–2012.12  加拿大西安大略大学地球科学系,访问教授;

  2014.11 任南京古生物所副所长、纪委书记;

  2015.07 任南京古生物所党委副书记;

  2018.09 任南京古生物所所长。  



  1)腕足动物群研究首次系统采集和描记我国东南部晚奥陶世凯迪晚期颇具地方特色的腕足动物群,共5555种(含9新属13新种),并对前人的部分工作进行了厘定,系列成果分别发表在古生物学报(詹仁斌,1994;詹仁斌、戎嘉余,1995)、Journal of Paleontolgy(美国)(Rong, Zhan and Han, 1994)、Palaeontology(英国)(Zhan et al., 2008)及Palaeontology的特刊(专著)(Zhan and Cocks, 1998)上,受到国际同行关注;揭示了我国这一时段腕足动物群的基本面貌,也使国内外学者对中国特有的动物群面貌、组成特点、群落生态和生物地理有了一个较全面的认识。首次系统研究了加拿大东部Williston盆地晚奥陶世凯迪期腕足动物群,对前人的零星工作进行总结、厘定,发表专著1部(Jin and Zhan, 2001)及其他论文若干,使全面认识北美内陆盆地奥陶纪生物大辐射之后的动物群面貌成为可能,并与北美大陆其它盆地以及其它一些主要板块(如华南、哈萨克斯坦、波罗的等)的同期动物群进行比较研究,深入讨论奥陶纪最后一次辐射事件在各主要块体上的不同表现型式。 

  首次详细描记我国西南地区中奥陶世后期浅水腕足动物群,共1920种(含4新属6新种),采用定性与定量相结合的方法识别群落,进行综合群落生态分析,并深入探讨动物群的属性和生物地理意义,论文在英国Palaeontology杂志上以特刊(专著)形式发表(Zhan and Jin, 2005),为国内外同行深入研究中奥陶世达瑞威尔期腕足动物群的面貌及多样性演变增添了新资料,使研究华南奥陶纪腕足动物辐射对这一时段的讨论成为可能。另外,还发表数篇研究中国、缅甸和北美奥陶纪、志留纪腕足动物系统古生物学的论文,分别在Acta Palaeontologica Polonica(波兰), Palaeontology(英国), Journal of Paleontology(美国)等杂志上发表。从1994年至今,共建立并发表了腕足动物新属、新种16个,均已得到国际同行的认可,并被收入新编的国际腕足动物论丛(Treatise) 

  对中奥陶世广泛发育在华南扬子区的早期五房贝类腕足动物扬子贝(Yangtzeella)进行了总结性研究,否定了国外学者仅根据壳表装饰的细微变化而建立的新亚属(Yangtzeella (Vadimella)),并利用定量分析手段对扬子贝属已经发表的15个种进行厘定,最终确认4个种,否定了其中的11个种;同时,论文还详细讨论了扬子贝属的宏演化途径、群落演变过程,以及它们的生物地理意义(Zhan et al., 2010),提出扬子贝在较深水域的下扬子区起源以后,一方面向更深水的江南斜坡迁移,但更主要的是向更浅水的上扬子台地拓展其生态空间,在那里,不仅演变出多个新的物种,还形成了一些独具特色的底栖生态群落。 

  2)群落古生态研究在采集大量化石标本的基础上,仔细搜寻地层和沉积学信息,结合其他共生化石的产出状况及组合信息,运用多种数理统计方法,并尝试使用一些新的定量分析手段,第一次识别出我国华南东部晚奥陶世凯迪晚期腕足动物随海水深度递增(从潮间带到较深水斜坡)而变化的不同生态群落,为恢复当时的古地理、古海水深度和古海岸线提供了证据。论文在加拿大地球科学杂志Zhan et al., 2002)发表后,被认为是难得的将奥陶纪腕足动物地理分布与水深分布结合研究的好文章,受到国际同行的好评。论文还是继戎嘉余(1986)首次将群落生态的概念运用到华南奥陶纪末赫南特期腕足动物的研究之后,奥陶纪腕足动物群落生态研究的又一成功案例。 

  国际上,进行底栖群落识别与群落古生态研究有多种较成熟的定量分析手段,但多数学者通常只采用其中的某一种方法。在华南的研究实践中,申请者首次将不同定量分析方法进行比较,提出将多种分析手段结合起来并综合野外产出状况(如埋藏学信息)、其他门类及沉积学信息识别古群落的新思路(詹仁斌,2003)。同时,大胆将这一方法运用到早、中奥陶世腕足动物群落古生态的研究中,取得了良好的效果(詹仁斌、戎嘉余,2006Zhan et al., 2006),为深入讨论华南奥陶纪腕足动物群落生态多样性演变提供了依据。 

  3)奥陶纪生物大辐射研究合作者一起,在国内率先开展奥陶纪生物大辐射的研究。选择华南,特别是上扬子区进行实例分析,在重新测制6条下、中奥陶统经典地层剖面、采集30000余枚化石标本的基础上,先进行细致的系统古生物学研究再探讨多样性演变规律,第一次将奥陶纪生物多样性研究的精度提高到以笔石带为单位,比较可靠地揭示了腕足动物穿越笔石带的分类单元多样性变化规律,得出了华南奥陶纪腕足动物第一次辐射高潮发生在早奥陶世晚期之初、比世界其他许多地方要早4–5个笔石带时限的结论,并开始探索产生这次大辐射的控制因素。论文之一以第一作者身份,以中、英文形式分别于20042005年在中国科学上发表。之后,运用多种数值分析方法,对华南早、中奥陶世腕足动物的群落进行识别,并多次赴我国西南贵州、四川、重庆、湖南、湖北等地进行野外实践,反复观察、度量和记录,在结合其它化石门类、沉积学、区域地质背景等信息的基础上进行综合群落生态分析,得出结论:华南早、中奥陶世腕足动物群落生态多样性的演变要明显滞后于分类单元多样性的演变;华南腕足动物在早奥陶世的辐射首先发生于扬子台地上的正常浅海地区(上扬子台地中部的贵州桐梓-沿河一带),然后才逐渐向更远岸更深水和更近岸更浅水的方向拓展其生态空间。有关论文已分别在Geological Journal(英国) (Zhan et al., 2006)Lethaia (丹麦)(Zhan and Harper, 2006)Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (加拿大)(Zhan et al., 2007; Zhan and Jin, 2008)Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences (英国) (Zhan and Jin, 2008)、古生物学报(詹仁斌、陈朋飞,2006)等杂志上发表。关于奥陶纪生物大辐射过程中群落生态演变规律的成果,属国际先进。国际同行在评审稿件时这样说到,极好的稿件,将为我们深刻而全面地理解奥陶纪生物大辐射做出重要贡献(美国古生物学家Peter Sheehan对申请者投往加拿大地球科学杂志的一篇稿件的部分综述意见)。 

  华南的多门类实例研究还显示,奥陶纪生物大辐射在不同门类之间,同一门类不同类群之间,不同古板块之间,同一板块不同古地理位置之间存在明显的差异性,差异演化是大辐射的重要特征之一。相关论文在欧洲和北美的两次国际会议上进行过交流,其中一篇于2006年在Lethaia上发表(Zhan and Harper, 2006)(另两篇在国内发表),引起了国际同行的广泛兴趣,已有多人写信索要单行本,有些(如阿根廷的Juan Luis Benedetto教授)在与申请者通信联系中还表示将在自己国家开展类似研究,因为他们也发现了类似的差异演化现象。 

  4)石燕的起源与早期演化研究在华南东部晚奥陶世地层中首次发现大量全世界已知最早的腕足动物始石燕属(Eospirifer)的实体化石。标本保存很好、个体很小(平均3 mm左右)。申请者克服了种种困难,经历了多次失败,终于成功地为这种最早期石燕进行了1/10毫米级的系统切片,揭示并恢复了该种的内部腕骨构造,为进一步探索石燕的起源、认识石燕的早期演化做出了贡献。就这一主题,与导师戎嘉余院士合作,先后在科学通报(戎嘉余、詹仁斌,1995)、Journal of Paleontology (Rong, Zhan and Han, 1994)Palaeontology (Rong and Zhan, 1996)等刊物上发表了系列论文,受到国际同行的赞扬,认为这是石燕类研究的经典之作,为研究石燕的起源与早期演化提供了很有价值的材料,论文中所提出的关于石燕类起源的观点以及被新编国际腕足动物论丛采纳。最近,通过系统总结全球始石燕属的资料,发现了其特殊的宏演化轨迹及其区域和全球意义(Zhan et al., 2011, 2012)。 

  5)叶月贝腕足动物群的深入研究。系统研究华南多个地点晚奥陶世叶月贝(Foliomena)腕足动物群的新材料,发现该动物群不仅仅如西方学者长期认为的局限于较深水区域,从古生态学角度首次识别出典型叶月贝动物群(斜坡)、非典型叶月贝动物群(深外陆棚)和含叶月贝属的浅水腕足动物群(内陆棚)(如戎嘉余、詹仁斌,1995Rong and Zhan, 1996Rong, Zhan and Harper, 1999;戎嘉余、詹仁斌,2004),提出华南是叶月贝动物群地理分布最广、地质延限最长、生态分布最宽、产出地点最多的一个板块,并在浙赣交界地区识别出含叶月贝属的浅水动物群非典型叶月贝动物群典型叶月贝动物群在晚奥陶世凯迪晚期连续分布的实例,是世界上唯一的、研究叶月贝动物群的最佳地区(Zhan et al., 2002; Zhan et al., 2010)。在首次报道上扬子台地东北缘的叶月贝动物群时(Zhan and Jin, 2005),采用定量方法对全世界29处叶月贝动物群进行分析(包括Q-R-簇分析以及主成份分析),据此对该动物群的时空演变进行了深入讨论,提出叶月贝动物群起源于远岸较深水区域的新观点。  











  2020.01–2023.12  国家基金委面上项目(41972011)“华南中奥陶世华美正形贝腕足动物群与奥陶纪大辐射”,负责。  

  2013.01–2017.12  国家基金委重大项目41290260第一课题寒武纪-志留纪重大海洋生物事件及其环境背景,课题负责。 

  2013.01–2018.12  国家基金委创新研究群体项目(41221001, 41521061早古生代重大海洋生物事件及其背景机制,项目负责; 

  2009.01–2012.12  国家杰出青年基金40825006奥陶纪生物大辐射的深入研究以华南为例,项目负责; 

  2009.01–2011.12   中科院创新工程重要方向项目KZCX2-YW-Q05-01塔里木和扬子区奥陶-志留纪生物古地理对比,课题负责; 

  2006.09–2011.08  科技部973项目2006CB806400地史时期海陆生物多样性的演变(首席科学家沈树忠),第二课题古生代海洋动物群的形成与早期演变,课题负责; 

  2005.06–2008.05  中科院创新工程重要方向项目KZCX3-SW-149奥陶-志留纪主要海洋生物类群的生物地理与多样性演变,项目负责; 

  2005.01–2007.12  国家基金委国际合作两个基地项目40540420130华南与北美奥陶纪腕足动物多样性演变的对比研究,项目负责; 

  2005.01–2007.12  国家基金委面上项目40472002华南早、中奥陶世腕足动物多样性演变,项目负责; 

  2001.01–2003.12  国家基金委青年基金40002001华南中奥陶世若干海洋生物分支生物地理,项目负责; 

  2000.04–2005.09  科技部973项目G2000077700重大地质历史时期生物的起源、辐射、灭绝与复苏(首席科学家戎嘉余),骨干成员; 

  1997.01–1999.12  国家基金委面上项目49672083华南晚奥陶世大灭绝后的生物复苏(戎嘉余负责),参加者; 

  1994.01–1996.12  国家基金委面上项目49372081中国奥陶、志留纪腕足动物的群落生态及生物地理(戎嘉余负责),参加者; 

  1992.01–1993.12  现代古生物学和地层学国家重点实验室开放课题920301华南奥陶纪赫南特贝动物群研究(戎嘉余负责),参加者; 


  1991年以来发表论文180余篇,英文专著9本(第一作者、第二作者各3本),其中SCI论文70篇。 (按发表年代从新到老)

  240. Wang Guangxu, Wei Xin, Luan Xiaocong, Wu Rongchang, Percival, I.G. and Zhan Renbin. 2020 (in press). Constraining the biotic transitions across the end-Ordovician mass extinction in South China: Bio- and chemostratigraphy of the Wulipo Formation in the Meitan area of northern Guizhou. Geological Journal, (https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.3816). (SCI)

  239. Zhang Yuchen, Luan Xiaocong, Zhan Renbin, Sproat, C.D. and Huang Bing. 2020 (in press). Early parasitic drilling in a rhynchonelliform brachiopod Rongatrypa xichuanensis from the Katian (Upper Ordovician) of central China. Journal of Paleontology, (https://doi.org/10.1017/jpa.2019.102) (SCI)

  238. Zhen Yongyi, Zhang Yuandong, Harper, D.A.T., Zhan Renbin, Fang Xiang, Wang Zhihao, Yu Shenyang and Li Wenjie. 2020 (in press). Ordovician successions in southern-central Xizang (Tibet), ChinaRefining the stratigraphy of the Himalayan and Lhasa terranes. Gondwana Research, (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2020.01.023). (SCI)

  237. Huang Bing, Harper, D.A.T., Zhou Hanghang, Zhan Renbin, Wang Yi, Tang Peng, Ma Junye, Wang Guangxu, Chen Di, Zhang Yuchen, Luan Xiaocong and Rong Jiayu. 2019. A new Cathaysiorthis (Brachiopoda) fauna from the lower Llandovery of eastern Qinling, China. Papers in Palaeontology, 5, 537557. (SCI)

  236. Huang Bing, Zhou Hanghang, Harper, D., Zhan Renbin, Zhang Xiaole, Chen Di and Rong Jiayu. 2019. A latest Ordovician Hirnantia brachiopod fauna from western Yunnan, Southwest China and its paleobiogeographic significance. Palaeoworld, (10.1016/j.palwor.2019.03.002) (SCI)

  235. Ling Mingxing*, Zhan Renbin*, Wang Guangxu, Wang Yi, Amelin, Y., Tang Peng, Liu Jianbo, Jin Jisuo, Huang Bing, Wu Rongchang, Xue Shuo, Fu Bin, Bennett, V.C., Wei Xin, Luan Xicoacong, Finnegan, S., Harper, D.A.T. and Rong Jiayu. 2019. An extremely brief end Ordovician mass extinction linked to abrupt onset of glaciation. Solid Earth Sciences, 4(4), 190198. (*Corresponding authors)

  234. Luan Xiaocong, Wu Rongchang, Zhan Renbin and Liu Jianbo. 2019. The Zitai Formation in South China: unique deeper-water marine red beds in terms of lithology, distribution and δ13Ccarb chemostratigraphy. Palaeoworld, 28(1), 198210. (SCI)

  233. Rong Jiayu, Aung, K.P., Zhan Renbin, Huang Bing, Harper, D.A.T., Chen Di, Zhou Hanghang and Zhang Xiaole. 2019. The latest Ordovician Hirnantia brachiopod Fauna of Myanmar: Significance of new data from the Mandalay Region. Palaeoworld, (SCI)

  232. Sproat, C. and Zhan Renbin. 2019. Paleogeographic and paleoecological significance of Schachriomonia (Brachiopoda) from the Upper Ordovician of the Tarim Basin, Northwest China. Journal of Paleontology, 92(6), 10051017. (SCI)

  231. Rong Jiayu, Wang Yi, Zhan Renbin, Fan Junxuan, Huang Bing, Tang Peng, Li Yue, Zhang Xiaole, Wu Rongchang, Wang Guangxu and Wei Xin. 2019. Silurian integrative stratigraphy and timescale of China. Science China Earth Sciences, 62(1), 89111. (SCI)

  230. Wang Guangxu, Zhan Renbin and Percival, I.G. 2019. The end-Ordovician mass extinction: A single-pulse event? Earth-Science Reviews, 192, 1533. (SCI)

  229. Wu Rongchang, Liu Jianbo, Calner, M., Gong Fangyi, Lehnert, O., Luan Xiaocong, Li Lixia and Zhan Renbin. 2019. High-resolution carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Lower and Middle Ordovician succession of the Yangtze Platform, China: Implications for global correlation. Journal of the Geological Society, (SCI)

  228. Zhang Yuchen, Sproat, C.D., Zhan Renbin, Zhang W., Luan Xiaocong and Huang Bing. 2019. Refining the Croft Parallel Grinder for Acetate Peel Serial Sectioning and Virtual Paleontology. Palaios, 34(5), 248253. (SCI)

  227. Zhang Yuandong, Zhan Renbin, Zhen Yongyi, Wang Zhihao, Yuan Wenwei, Fang Xiang, Ma Xuan and Zhang Junpeng. 2019. Ordovician integrative stratigraphy and timescale of China. Science China Earth Sciences, 62(1), 6188. (SCI)

  226. Jin Jisuo, Zhan Renbin and Wu Rongchang. 2018. Equatorial cold-water tongue in the Late Ordovician. Geology, 46(9), 759762. (SCI)

  225. Li Lixia, Janussen, D., Zhan Renbin, Wu Rongchang, Wang Guangxu, Wei Xin, Gong Fangyi and Reitner, J. 2018. End-Ordovician mass extinction-role of the deep-water spongs. In: Zhang Yuandong, Zhan Renbin, Fan Junxuan and Muir, L.A. (eds), Filling the gap between the Cambrian Explosion and the GOBE —— IGCP Project 653 Annual Meeting 2017, Extended Summaries.: Hangzhou, Zhejiang University Press, p. 7379.

  224. Luan Xiaocong, Brett, C.E., Zhan Renbin, Jin Jisuo, Wu Rongchang and Gong Fangyi. 2018. Middle-Late Ordovician iron-rich nodules on Yangtze Platform, South China, and their palaeoenvironmental implications. Lethaia, 51, 523537. (SCI)

  223. Luan Xiaocong, Wu Rongchang and Zhan Renbin. 2018. New data on the carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of Floian-Darriwilian successions on the Yangtze Platform, South China. In: Zhang Yuandong, Zhan Renbin, Fan Junxuan and Muir, L.A. (eds), Filling the gap between the Cambrian Explosion and the GOBE —— IGCP Project 653 Annual Meeting 2017, Extended Summaries. Hangzhou, Zhejiang University Press, p. 95100.

  222. Rong Jiayu, Wei Xin, Zhan Renbin and Wang Yi. 2018. A deep water shelly fauna from the uppermost Ordovician in northwestern Hunan, South China and its paleoecological implications: Science China Earth Sciences, 61(6), 730744. (SCI).

  221. Sproat, C. and Zhan Renbin. 2018. The brachiopod Altaethyrella from the late Katian Hadabulaktag Formation in the Tarim Basin, northwest China, and its paleogeographical significance. In: Zhang Yuandong, Zhan Renbin, Fan Junxuan and Muir, L.A. (eds), Filling the gap between the Cambrian Explosion and the GOBE —— IGCP Project 653 Annual Meeting 2017, Extended Summaries. Hangzhou, Zhejiang University Press, p. 155160.

  220. Wang Guangxu, Zhan Renbin, Rong Jiayu, Huang Bing, Percival, I.G., Luan Xiaocong and Wei Xin. 2018. Exploring the end-Ordovician extinctions in Hirnantian near-shore carbonate rocks of northern Guizhou, SW China: A refined stratigraphy and regional correlation. Geological Journal, 53(6), 30193029. (SCI)

  219. Wei Xin and Zhan Renbin. 2018. A late Rhuddanian (early Llandovery, Silurian) trilobite association from South China and its implications. Palaeoworld, 27, 4252. (SCI)

  218. Wei Xin and Zhan Renbin. 2018. Lower Silurian (Rhudddanian) trilobites of Xichuan (East Qinling), western Henan, Central China. In: Zhang Yuandong, Zhan Renbin, Fan Junxuan and Muir, L.A. (eds), Filling the gap between the Cambrian Explosion and the GOBE —— IGCP Project 653 Annual Meeting 2017, Extended Summaries. Hangzhou, Zhejiang University Press, p. 189193.

  217. Zhan Renbin, Liu Jianbo, Zhu Xuejian, Wang Yi, Zhang Yuandong and Luan Xiaocong. 2018. Field Guide for Cambrian and Ordovician Succession in SW Hubei and NW Hunan Provinces, Central China. In: Zhang Yuandong, Zhan Renbin, Fan Junxuan and Muir, L.A. (eds), Filling the gap between the Cambrian Explosion and the GOBE —— IGCP Project 653 Annual Meeting 2017, Extended Summaries. Zhejiang University Press, Hangzhou, pp. 277359.

  216. Zhang Xiaole, Liu Jianbo, Wang Yi, Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin, Xu Honghe and Tang Peng. 2018. Onset of the middle Telychian (Silurian) clastic marine red beds on the western Yangtze Platform, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 497, 5265. (SCI)

  215. Zhang Yuchen and Zhan Renbin. 2018. The Late Ordovician brachiopod Rongatrypa xichuanensis from Xichuan, Henan Province, China. In: Zhang Yuandong, Zhan Renbin, Fan Junxuan and Muir, L.A. (eds), Filling the gap between the Cambrian Explosion and the GOBE —— IGCP Project 653 Annual Meeting 2017, Extended Summaries. Hangzhou, Zhejiang University Press, p. 217221.

  214. Zhang Yuandong and Zhan Renbin. 2018. Guide for the Mid-Conference Field Trip of the IGCP Project 653 Annual Meeting 2017. In: Zhang Yuandong, Zhan Renbin, Fan Junxuan and Muir, L.A. (eds), Filling the gap between the Cambrian Explosion and the GOBE —— IGCP Project 653 Annual Meeting 2017, Extended Summaries. Hangzhou, Zhejiang University Press, p. 253276.

  213. Zhang Yuandong, Zhan Renbin, Fan Junxuan and Muir, L.A. 2018. Filling the gap between the Cambrian Explosion and the GOBE —— IGCP Project 653 Annual Meeting 2017, Extended Summaries, Hangzhou, Zhejiang University Press, 1370. (编著)

  212. 王怿, 蒋青, 唐鹏, 张小乐, 黄冰, 詹仁斌, 孙存礼, 戎嘉余. 2018. 赣西北志留纪晚期地层的发现和西坑组的厘定. 地层学杂志, 42(3), 257266. [Wang Yi, Jiang Qing, Zhang Xiaole, Huang Bing, Zhan Renbin, Sun Cunli and Rong Jiayu. 2018. The discovery of late Silurian Xiaoxi Formation and emendation of lower Silurian Xikeng Formation in north-western Jiangxi, South china. Journal of Stratigraphy, 42(3), 243256 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  211. 王怿, 蒋青, 唐鹏, 张小乐, 黄冰, 詹仁斌. 2018. 安徽宿松坐山志留纪晚期地层的研究. 地层学杂志, 42(2), 159166. [Wang Yi, Jiang Qing, Zhang Xiaole, Huang Bing and Zhan Renbin. 2018. Study of the late Silurian Xiaoxi Formation at the Zuoshan Section, Susong, Anhui, China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 42(2), 159166 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  210. 魏鑫, 詹仁斌. 2018.贵州湄潭志留纪初期三叶虫动物群及其意义. 古生物学报, 57(1), 2539. [Wei Xin and Zhan Renbin. 2018. Trilobite fauna from the lowermost Silurian of Meitan, Guizhou and its implications. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 57(1), 2539 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  209. 吴荣昌, 黄冰, 王光旭, 魏鑫, 詹仁斌, 唐鹏, 栾晓聪, 张雨晨. 2018. 鄂西北竹溪地区志留系竹溪组. 地层学杂志, 42(3), 243256. [Wu Rongchang, Huang Bing, Wang Guangxu, Wei Xin, Zhan Renbin, Tang Peng, Luan Xiaocong and Zhang Yuchen. 2018. The Silurian Zhuxi Formation in the Zhuxi area, northwestern Hubei Province. Journal of Stratigraphy, 42(3), 243256 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

   208. Harper, D.A.T., Parkes M.A. and Zhan Renbin. 2017. Late Ordovician deep-water brachiopod fauna from Raheen, Waterford Harbour, Ireland. Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 35, 118. (SCI)

  207. Huang Bing, Harper, D.A.T., Rong Jiayu and Zhan Renbin. 2017. Brachiopod faunas after the end Ordovician mass extinction from South China: Testing ecological change through a major taxonomic crisis. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 138, 502514. (SCI)

  206. Luan Xiaocong, Brett, C.E., Zhan Renbin, Liu Jianbo, Wu Rongchang and Liang Yan. 2017. Microfacies analysis of the Lower-Middle Ordovician succession at Xiangshuidong, southwestern Hubei Province, and the drowning and shelf-ramp transition of a carbonate platform in the Yangtze region. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 485, 6883. (SCI)

  205. Rong Jiayu, Huang Bing, Zhan Renbin and Fu Lipu. 2017. Silurian brachiopod genera on type species of China. In: Rong Jiayu, Jin Yugan, Shen Shuzhong and Zhan Renbin (eds), Phanerozoic Brachiopod Genera of China. Vol. 1, 245342. Beijing: Science Press. ixxiii, iiv, 1096 pp.

  204. Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin, Huang Bing, Xu Hankui, Fu Lipu and Li Rongyu. 2017. Ordovician brachiopod genera on type species of China. In: Rong Jiayu, Jin Yugan, Shen Shuzhong and Zhan Renbin (eds), Phanerozoic Brachiopod Genera of China. Vol. 1, 87244. Beijing: Science Press. ixxiii, iiv, 1096 pp.

  203. Rong Jiayu, Shen Shuzhong, Zhan Renbin, Qiao Li, Huang Bing and Jin Yugan. 2017. Introduction. In: Rong Jiayu, Jin Yugan, Shen Shuzhong and Zhan Renbin (eds), Phanerozoic Brachiopod Genera of China. Vol. 1, 138. Beijing: Science Press. ixxiii, iiv, 1096 pp.

  202. Rong Jiayu, Jin Yugan, Shen Shuzhong and Zhan Renbin (eds). 2017. Phanerozoic Brachiopod Genera of China (volumes 1 & 2). Beijing: Science Press. Vol. 1, ixxiii, 1557; Vol. 2, iiv, 5591096. (专著)

  201. Wang Guangxu, Zhan Renbin, Huang Bing and Percival, I.G. 2017. Coral faunal turnover through the Ordovician-Silurian transition in South China and its global implications for carbonate stratigraphy and macroevolution. Geological Magazine, 154(4), 829836. (SCI)

  200. 龚方怡, 吴荣昌, 詹仁斌, 栾晓聪. 2017. 安徽石台上奥陶统稳定碳同位素地层研究及其意义. 地层学杂志, 41(4), 401410. [Gong Fangyi, Wu Rongchang, Zhan Renbin and Luan Xiaocong. 2017. Upper Ordovician carbon isotope chemostratigraphy in Shitai, Anhui Province. Journal of Stratigraphy, 41(4), 401410 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  199. 黄冰, 王怿, 唐鹏, 魏鑫, 张小乐, 王光旭, 吴荣昌, 张雨晨, 詹仁斌, 戎嘉余. 2017. 湖北西部建始地区志留系秀山组顶部地层新观察. 地层学杂志, 41(4), 375385. [Huang Bing, Wang Yi, Tang Peng, Wei Xin, Zhang Xiaole, Wang Guangxu, Wu Rongchang, Zhang Yuchen, Zhan Renbin and Rong Jiayu. 2017. On the uppermost Xiushan Formation (Llandovery, Silurian) at Jianshi area, Hubei Province. Journal of Stratigraphy, 41(4), 375385 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  198. 王怿, 蒋青, 唐鹏, 张小乐, 黄冰, 詹仁斌. 2017. 湖北通山志留纪晚期地层的发现. 地层学杂志, 41(4), 386391. [Wang Yi, Jiang Qing, Tang Peng, Zhang Xiaole, Huang Bing and Zhan Renbin. 2017. The discovery of late Silurian strata in the Tongshan area, South China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 41(4), 386391 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  197. 王怿, 唐鹏, 张小乐, 刘建波, 张雨晨, 燕夔, 王光旭, 黄冰, 詹仁斌. 2017. 四川广元志留纪晚期车家坝组中线形植物的发现及其意义. 地层学杂志, 41(4), 368374. [Wang Yi, Tang Peng, Zhang Xiaole, Liu Jianbo, Zhang Yuchen, Yan Kui, Wang Guangxu, Huang Bing and Zhan Renbin. 2017. Discovery of the nematophyte fossils from the late Silurian Chejiaba Formation, Guangyuan, Sichuan, South China, and their stratigraphical significance. Journal of Stratigraphy, 41(4), 368374 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  196. 詹仁斌, 张雨晨(). 2017. 国际地层委员会(ICS)章程2017. 地层学杂志, 41(3), 351-356. [Zhan Renbin and Zhang Yuchen (translation). 2017. Statutes 2017International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS). Journal of Stratigraphy, 41(3), 351356 (in Chinese).]

  195. 张雨晨, 詹仁斌, 王怿, 唐鹏. 2017. 新疆库鲁克塔格上奥陶统杂土坡组叶月贝动物群的发现. 古生物学报, 56(3), 322-330. [Zhang Yuchen, Zhan Renbin, Wang Yi and Tang Peng. 2017. Foliomena fauna from the Zatupo Formation (Katian, Upper Ordovician) of Kuruktag, southeastern Xinjiang, NW China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 56(3), 322330 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  194. Luo Genming, Algeo, T.J., Zhan Renbin, Yan Detian, Huang Junhua, Liu Jiangsi and Xie Shucheng. 2016. Perturbation of the marine nitrogen cycle during the Late Ordovician glaciation and mass extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 448, 339348. (SCI)

  193. Huang Bing, Baarli, B.G., Zhan Renbin and Rong Jiayu. 2016. A new early Silurian brachiopod genus, Thulatrypa, from Norway and South China, and its palaeobiogeographical significance. Alcheringa, 40(1), 8397. (SCI)

  192. Huang Bing, Zhan Renbin and Wang Guangxu. 2016. Recovery brachiopod associations from the lower Silurian of South China and their paleoecological implications. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 53(7), 674679. (SCI)

  191. Kah, L.C., Thompson, C.K., Henderson, M.A. and Zhan Renbin. 2016. Behavior of marine sulfur in the Ordovician. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 458, 133153. (SCI)

  190. Wang Guangxu, Zhan Renbin and Percival, I.G. 2016. New data on Hirnantian (latest Ordovician) postglacial carbonate rocks and fossils in northern Guizhou, Southwest China. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 53(7), 660665. (doi: 10.1139/cjes-2015-0197). (SCI)

  189. Wu Rongchang, Stouge, S., Zhan Renbin, Liu Jianbo, Liang Yan and Melchin, M.J. 2016. Conodont faunal dynamics across the Middle and Upper Ordovician boundary in the Yichang area, western Hubei Province, South China. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 53(8), 856864. (SCI)

  188. Zhan Renbin, Jin Jisuo and Liu Jianbo. 2016. Meganodular limestone points South China paleoplate to the Late Ordovician equator. Acta Geologica Sinica, 90(1), 388389. (SCI)

  187. Zhan Renbin, Jin Jisuo, Liu Jianbo, Patricia, C., Luan Xiaocong and Wei Xin. 2016. Meganodular limestone of the Pagoda Formation: A time-specific carbonate facies in the Upper Ordovician of South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 448, 349362. (SCI)

  186. 李家腾, 刘建波, 孙永超, 闫振, 吴荣昌, 詹仁斌. 2016. 华南下扬子区下奥陶统仑山组:岩石学、地层学和古地理学. 古地理学报, 18(3), 411423. [Li Jiateng, Liu Jianbo, Sun Yongchao, Yan Zhen, Wu Rongchang and Zhan Renbin. 2016. On the Lower Ordovician Lunshan Formation in Lower Yangtze Region, South China: Its petrology, stratigraphy and palaeogeography. Journal of Palaeogeography, 18(3), 411423 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  185. Harper, D. A. T., Zhan Renbin and Jin Jisuo. 2015. The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event: Reviewing two decades of research on diversity's big bang illustrated by mainly brachiopod data. Palaeoworld, 24(12), 7585. (SCI)

  184. Ma Junye, Taylor, P.D., Xia Fengsheng and Zhan Renbin. 2015. The oldest known bryozoan: Prophyllodictya (Cryptostomata) from the lower Tremadocian (Lower Ordovician) of Liujiachang, south-western Hubei, central China. Palaeontology, 58(5), 925934. (SCI)

  183. Sproat, C.D., Jin Jisuo, Zhan Renbin and Rudkin, D.M. 2015, Morphological variability and paleoecology of the Late Ordovician Parastrophina from eastern Canada and the Tarim Basin, Northwest China. Palaeoworld, 24(1-2), 160175. (SCI)

  182. Wang Guangxu, Zhan Renbin, Percival I.G., Huang Bing, Li Yue and Wu Rongchang. 2015. Late Hirnantian (latest Ordovician) carbonate rocks and shelly fossils in Shiqian, northeastern Guizhou, Southwest China. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 48(3), 241252. (SCI)

  181. Wang Guangxu and Zhan Renbin. 2015. A new species of middle Rhuddanian Halysites (Tabulata) from Meitan, northern Guizhou, Southwest China. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 64(1), 105109. (SCI)

  180. Zhan Renbin, Jin Jisuo and Harper, D.A.T. (eds). 2015. Special issue: Geologic and biotic events and their relationships during the Early to Middle Paleozoic. Palaeoworld, 24(1-2), 250 pp. (编著)

  179. Zhan Renbin, Jin Jisuo and Harper, D.A.T. 2015. Ecosystem revolution and evolution in the EarlyMid Paleozoic. Palaeoworld, 24(1-2), 14. (SCI)

  178. 梁艳, 唐鹏, 吴荣昌, 詹仁斌. 2015. 湖北宜昌中上奥陶统庙坡组几丁虫生物地层. 地层学杂志, 39(2), 142154. [Liang Yan, Tang Peng, Wu Rongchang and Zhan Renbin. 2015. Chitinozoan biostratigraphy of the Middle-Upper Ordovician Miaopo Formation of Yichang, western Hubei. Journal of Stratigraphy, 39(2), 142154 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  177. 栾晓聪, 刘建波, 詹仁斌, 吴荣昌. 2015. 安徽南部下、中奥陶统紫台组碳酸盐岩微相与海平面变化. 古地理学报, 17(2), 249264. [Luan Xiaocong, Liu Jianbo, Zhan Renbin and Wu Rongchang. 2015. Microfacies of carbonate rocks and sea-level changes in the Lower to Middle Ordovician Zitai Formation of southern Anhui Province. Journal of Palaeogeography, 17(2), 249264 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  176. 戎嘉余, 詹仁斌, 王怿, 黄冰, 唐鹏, 栾小聪, 2015. 东秦岭淅川奥陶、志留纪地层的新观察. 地层学杂志, 39(1), 114. [Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin, Wang Yi, Huang Bing, Tang Peng and Luan Xiaocong. 2015. New observation on the Ordovician and Silurian of Xichuan, eastern Qinling. Journal of Stratigraphy, 39(1), 114 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  175. Huang Bing and Zhan Renbin. 2014. Species-abundance models for brachiopods across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary of South China. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 63(4), 240243. (SCI)

  174. 詹仁斌. 2014. 戎嘉余. : 孙鸿烈 (), 20世纪中国知名科学家学术成就概览. 北京: 科学出版社. 441451. [Zhan Renbin. 2014. Rong Jiayu. In: Sun Honglie (ed.), Introduction to the Major Academic Achievements by Well-known Scientists of China in the 20th Centuary, Earth Sciences Volume. Beijing: Science Press. 441451 (in Chinese).]

  173. Wu Rongchang, Stouge, S., Percival, I.G. and Zhan Renbin. 2014. EarlyMiddle Ordovician conodont biofacies on the Yangtze Platform margin, South China: Applications to palaeoenvironment and sea-level changes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 96, 194204. (SCI)

  172. Zhang Yuandong, Wang Yi, Zhan Renbin, Fan Junxuan, Zhou Zhiqiang and Fang Xiang. 2014. Ordovician and Silurian stratigraphy and palaeontology of Yunnan, southwest China. Beijing, Science Press. 138 pp. (专著)

  171. Zhan Renbin, Luan Xiaocong, Huang Bing, Liang Yan, Wang Guangxu and Wang Yi. 2014. Darriwilian Saucrorthis fauna: Implications for the great Ordovician biodiversification event (GOBE). Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 63(4), 323328. (SCI)

  170. 王怿, 戎嘉余, 詹仁斌, 黄冰, 吴荣昌, 栾晓聪. 2014. 四川南部布拖地区志留系的新研究. 地层学杂志, 38(3), 257267. [Wang Yi, Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin, Huang Bing, Wu Rongchang and Luan Xiaocong. 2014. New study of the Silurian System in the Butuo district, southern Sichuan, SW China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 38(3), 257267 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  169. Zhan Renbin and Huang Bing (eds). 2014. IGCP 591 Field Workshop 2014, Kunming China, 12-21 August 2014, Extended Summary. Nanjing, Nanjing University Press. 246 pp. (编著)

  168. Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin and Huang Bing. 2014. The pre-Hirnantian Late Ordovician shallow water brachiopod biogeography of Tarim, Qaidam, North and South China: A preliminary report. 120125. In: Zhan Renbin and Huang Bing (eds), IGCP 591 Field Workshop 2014, Kunming China, 12-21 August 2014, Extended Summary. Nanjing, Nanjing University Press. 246 pp.

  167. Wu Rongchang, Zhan Renbin, Liu Jianbo, Joachimski, M., Chen Jun and Munnecke, A. 2014. Carbon and conodont apatite oxygen isotope records from the Floian to lower Darriwilian (upper Lower and Middle Ordovician) in South China, and their paleoenvironmental implications. 201205. In: Zhan Renbin and Huang Bing (eds), IGCP 591 Field Workshop 2014, Kunming China, 12-21 August 2014, Extended Summary. Nanjing, Nanjing University Press. 246 pp.

  166. Wang Guangxu and Zhan Renbin. 2014. A new species of Paramplexoides (rugosans) from the Hirnantian Kuanyinchiao Formation of northern Guizhou, South China. 178181. In: Zhan Renbin and Huang Bing (eds), IGCP 591 Field Workshop 2014, Kunming China, 12-21 August 2014, Extended Summary. Nanjing, Nanjing University Press. 246 pp.

  165. Huang Bing, Zhan Renbin and Wang Guangxu. 2014. Brachiopod associations from late Rhuddanian in South China and their bathymetric significance. 5760. In: Zhan Renbin and Huang Bing (eds), IGCP 591 Field Workshop 2014, Kunming China, 12-21 August 2014, Extended Summary. Nanjing, Nanjing University Press. 246 pp.

  164. Sproat, C., Jin Jisuo, Zhan Renbin and Rudkin, D. 2014. Morphological variability in the Late Ordovician Parastrophina from eastern Canada and the Tarim Basin, northwestern China and its paleoecological implications. 144147. In: Zhan Renbin and Huang Bing (eds), IGCP 591 Field Workshop 2014, Kunming China, 12-21 August 2014, Extended Summary. Nanjing, Nanjing University Press. 246 pp.

  163. Luan Xiaocong, Liu Jianbo and Zhan Renbin. 2014. Microfacies of the Lower to Middle Ordovician Zitai Formation of southern Anhui and its implications. 8084. In: Zhan Renbin and Huang Bing (eds), IGCP 591 Field Workshop 2014, Kunming China, 12-21 August 2014, Extended Summary. Nanjing, Nanjing University Press. 246 pp.

  162. Liang Yan, Tang Peng and Zhan Renbin. 2014. Preliminary report on the chitinozoans from the Lower Ordovician Tungtzu and Hunghuayuan formations of Tongzi, northern Guizhou, southwest China. 7579. In: Zhan Renbin and Huang Bing (eds), IGCP 591 Field Workshop 2014, Kunming China, 12-21 August 2014, Extended Summary. Nanjing, Nanjing University Press. 246 pp.

  161. 黄冰, 戎嘉余, 詹仁斌. 2014. 复活分子在穿越生物大灭绝过程中的实质是什么?古生物学报, 53(2), 135145. [Huang Bing, Rong Jiayu and Zhan Renbin. 2014. Essence of Lazarus taxa across mass extinction. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 53(2), 135145 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  160. Liang Yan, Zhan Renbin and Jin Jisuo. 2014. The oldest known occurrence of the Foliomena fauna in the uppermost Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) of South China. Lethaia, 47, 432436. (SCI)

  159. 王光旭, 詹仁斌. 2014. 显生宙(宇)各纪(系)译名溯源. 地层学杂志, 38(2), 204207. [Wang Guangxu and Zhan Renbin. 2014. Chinese translations of the Phanerozoic geological periods (systems). Journal of Stratigraphy, 38(2), 204207 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  158. Liang Yan, Tang Peng, Zhan Renbin and Wu Rongchang. 2014. New data of early Late Ordovician chitinozoans from the Miaopo Formation at Jieling, Yichang, central China. GFF, 136(1), 162166. (SCI)

  157. Huang Bing, Harper, D.A.T. and Zhan Renbin. 2014. Test of sampling sufficiency in palaeontology. GFF, 136(1), 105109. (SCI)

  156. Wang Guangxu, Zhan Renbin, Deng Zhanqiu and Yu Changmin. 2014. Latest Ordovician and earliest Silurian tabulate corals of South China. GFF, 136(1), 290293. (SCI)

  155. Zhan Renbin, Huang Bing, Wang Guangxu, Jin Jisuo, Liang Yan, Wang Yi, Zhang Yuandong, Li Rongyu, Liu Jianbo and Wu Rongchang. 2014. Discovery of the late Middle Ordovician Saucrorthis fauna (Brachiopoda) from the Sibumasu palaeoplate, western Yunnan, SW China. GFF, 136(1), 320326. (SCI)

  154. Zhan Renbin, Rong Jiayu, Jin Jisuo, Liang Yan, Yuan Wenwei, Zhang Yuandong and Wang Yi. 2014. Discovery of a Late Ordovician Foliomena fauna in the Tarim desert, Northwest China. Palaeoworld, 23, 125142. (SCI)

  153. Zhan Renbin and Jin Jisuo. 2014. Early-Middle Ordovician brachiopod dispersal patterns in South China. Integrative Zoology, 9, 121140. (SCI)

  152. Wang Yi, Jin Jisuo, Zhan Renbin and Copper, P. 2014. Early Silurian algal meadows of Anticosti Island, eastern Canada: An analogue to modern sea grass meadows? Geology Today, 30(2), 6770. (SCI)

  151. Wang Yi, Jin Jisuo and Zhan Renbin. 2014. A new noncalcified thallophytic alga from the lower Silurian of Anticoti Island, eastern Canada. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 175(3), 359368. (SCI)

  150. Wu Rongchang, Percival, I.G., Stouge, S. and Zhan Renbin. 2014. Conodont diversification during the Ordovician: A perspective from North China and Tarim (northwestern China). Science China Earth Sciences, 57(3), 397407. doi: 10.1007/s11430-013-4777-0. (SCI)

  149. Zhan Renbin, Harper, D.A.T., Jin Jisuo, Liang Yan, Liu Jianbo, Stemmerik, L. and Stouge, S. 2014. Middle Ordovician Aporthophyla brachiopod fauna from the roof of the world, southern Tibet. Palaeontology, 57(1), 141170. (SCI)

  148. Zhan Renbin. 2013. Comments on the proposed conservation of the specific name of Anathyris monstrum Khalfin, 1933 (currently Anathyrella monstrum; Brachiopoda, Athyridida). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 70(4), 254256. (SCI)

  147. 陈旭, 戎嘉余, 樊隽轩, 詹仁斌, 汪啸风, 陈清, Charles E. Mitchell, David A.T. Harper, Michael J. Melchin, 彭平安, Stanley C. Finney. 2013. 奥陶系上奥陶统赫南特阶全球标准层型剖面和点位. 183213. : 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所 , 中国金钉子”—全球标准层型剖面和点位研究. 杭州, 浙江大学出版社. 325 pp. [Chen Xu, Rong Jiayu, Fan Junxuan, Zhan Renbin, Wang Xiaofeng, Chen Qing, Mitchell, C.E., Harper, D.A.T., Melchin, M.J., Peng Pingan and Finney, S.C. 2013. Global standard stratotype-section and point of the Hirnantian Stage of the Ordovician System. 183213. In: Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ed.), Global Standard Stratotype-sections and Points in China. Hangzhou, Zhejiang University Press. 325 pp (in Chinese).]

  146. 詹仁斌, 靳吉锁, 刘建波. 2013. 奥陶纪生物大辐射研究: 回顾与展望. 科学通报, 58(33), 33573371. [Zhan Renbin, Jin Jisuo and Liu Jianbo. 2013. Investigation on the great Ordovician biodiversification (GOBE): Review and prospect. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(33), 33573371 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  145. 詹仁斌, 戎嘉余. 2013. 奥陶纪志留纪底栖生态群落与实例分析. 238250. : 陈旭, 袁训来 主编, 地层学与古生物学研究生华南野外实习指南. 合肥: 中国科学技术大学出版社, 358 pp. [Zhan Renbin and Rong Jiayu. 2013. OrdovicianSilurian benthic communities and some case studies. 238250. In: Chen Xu and Yuan Xunlai (eds), Field Guide for Graduate Students in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy. Hefei: China University of Science and Technology Press. 358 pp (in Chinese).]

  144. 詹仁斌, 戎嘉余. 2013. 江西玉山祝宅上奥陶统剖面: 破解华夏古陆和华南晚奥陶世台坡盆模式的关键. 137144. : 陈旭, 袁训来 主编, 地层学与古生物学研究生华南野外实习指南. 合肥: 中国科学技术大学出版社, 358 pp. [Zhan Renbin and Rong Jiayu. 2013. The Upper Ordovician section at Zhuzhai of Yushan County, northeastern Jiangxi: A window to investigate the geologic history of Cathasian land and the Late Ordovician platform-slope-basin pattern of South China. 137144. In: Chen Xu and Yuan Xunlai (eds), Field Guide for Graduate Students in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy. Hefei: China University of Science and Technology Press. 358 pp (in Chinese).]

  143. 樊隽轩, 詹仁斌, . 2013. 古生物学原理(第三版). Mickael Foote and Arnold I. Miller. 北京, 科学出版社, 300 pp. [Fan Junxuan, Zhan Renbin, et al. (translators). 2013. Principles of Paleontology (third edition), authored by Mickael Foote and Arnold I. Miller. New York, W.H. Freeman and Company. 300 pp.] (译著)

  142. Harper, D.A.T., Rasmussen, C.M.., Liljeroth, M., Blodgett, R.B., Candela, Y., Jin Jisuo, Percival, I.G., Rong Jiayu, Villas, E. and Zhan Renbin. 2013. Chapter 11: Biodiversity, biogeography and phylogergraphy of Ordovician rhynchonelliform brachiopods. In: Harper, D.A.T. and Servais, T. (eds), Early Palaeozoic Biogeography and Palaeogeography. Geological Society London Memoir, 38, 127144. (SCI)

  141. Rong Jiayu, Huang Bing, Zhan Renbin and Harper, D.A.T. 2013. Latest Ordovician and earliest Silurian brachiopods succeeding the Hirnantia fauna in south-east China. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 90, 142 pp. (专著)

  140. 王怿, 戎嘉余, 詹仁斌, 黄冰, 吴荣昌, 王光旭. 2013. 鄂西南奥陶系-志留系交界地层研究兼论宜昌上升. 地层学杂志, 37(3), 264274. [Wang Yi, Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin, Huang Bing, Wu Rongchang and Wang Guangxu. 2013. On the Ordovician-Silurian boundary strata in southwestern Hubei, and the Yichang Uplift. Journal of Stratigraphy, 37(3), 264274 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  139. Zhan Renbin, Jin Jisuo, Rong Jiayu and Liang Yan. 2013. The earliest known strophomenoids (Brachiopoda) from early Middle Ordovician rocks of South China. Palaeontology, 56(5), 11211148. (SCI)

  138. Zhan Renbin, Huang Bing, Liang Yan and Jin Jisuo. 2013. Pulses of the Early Ordovician brachiopod radiation in South China. 350353. In: Lindskog, A. and Mehlqvist, K. eds. Proceedings of the 3rd IGCP 591 Annual Meeting Lund, Sweden. Lund, Lund University. 368 pp.

  137. 詹仁斌. 2012. 古生物学. 394398, 403415. : 杨雄里, 陈家宽, 马炜梁 等编, 《大辞海(生命科学卷)》. 上海: 上海辞书出版社. 1105. [Zhan Renbin. 2012. Palaeontology. 394398, 403415. In: Yang Xiongli, Chen Jiakuan, Ma Weiliang, et al. (eds), Unabridged Comprehensive Dictionary (Life Sciences). Shanghai: Shanghai Dictionary Press. 1105 pp (in Chinese).]

  136. Liang Yan and Zhan Renbin. 2013. The earliest known Foliomena fauna (Brachiopoda) from the Upper Ordovician Miaopo Formation at Jieling, Yichang, South China. 188190. In: Lindskog, A. and Mehlqvist, K. eds. Proceedings of the 3rd IGCP 591 Annual Meeting Lund, Sweden. Lund, Lund University. 368 pp.

  135. Wang Guangxu, Zhan Renbin, Deng Zhanqiu and Liu Jianbo. 2013. Paleoecological associations of middle Llandovery (Silurian) corals from Huaying Mountain, eastern Sichuan Province. Science China Earth Sciences, 56(4), 640646. (SCI)

  134. Parkes, M.A., Harper, D.A.T. and Zhan Renbin. 2013. Late Ordovician shelly deep-water faunas from Raheen, Waterford Harbour, Ireland. 259. In: Lindskog, A. and Mehlqvist, K. eds. Proceedings of the 3rd IGCP 591 Annual Meeting Lund, Sweden. Lund, Lund University. 368 pp.

  133. Wang Guangxu, Yu Changmin and Zhan Renbin. 2013. Earliest known Silurian rugose corals from Meitan, SW China. 330331. In: Lindskog, A. and Mehlqvist, K. eds. Proceedings of the 3rd IGCP 591 Annual Meeting Lund, Sweden. Lund, Lund University. 368 pp.

  132. Liu Jianbo, Sun Yongchao, Zhan Renbin and Jing Yuxuan. 2013. Decrease in carbonate accumulation rate in Early Ordovician in South China: Insights into paleoceanographic change. 194195. In: Lindskog, A. and Mehlqvist, K. eds. Proceedings of the 3rd IGCP 591 Annual Meeting Lund, Sweden. Lund, Lund University. 368 pp.

  131. Wang Guangxu, Guo Zhengfu, Zhan Renbin and Jin Jisuo. 2013. A new technique for making serial sections of solitary rugose corals. Palaeoworld, 22, 6871.

  130. Wu Rongchang, Stouge, S., Percival, I.G. and Zhan Renbin. 2013. Floian-Dapingian conodont biofacies in the marginal Yangtze Platform, South China. 337338. In: Lindskog, A. and Mehlqvist, K. eds. Proceedings of the 3rd IGCP 591 Annual Meeting Lund, Sweden. Lund, Lund University. 368 pp.

  129. Fan Junxuan, Chen Qing, Hou Xudong, Miller, A.I., Melchin, M.J., Shen Shuzhong, Wu Shuangye, Goldman, D., Mitchell, C.E., Yang Qun, Zhang Yuandong, Zhan Renbin, Wang Jun, Leng Qin, Zhang Hua and Zhang Linna. 2013. Geobiodiversity Database: A comprehensive section-based integration of stratigraphic and paleontological data. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 46(2), 111136. (SCI)

  128. Zhan Renbin, Jin Jisuo, Liang Yan and Meng Lingkai. 2012. Evolution and paleogeography of Eospirifer (Spiriferida,Brachiopoda) in Late Ordovician and Silurian. Science China Earth Sciences, 55(9), 14271444. (SCI)

  127. 吴荣昌, 詹仁斌, 刘建波, 王光旭. 2012. 浅论扬子台地边缘地区奥陶系大坪阶底界的识别. 微体古生物学报, 29(4), 352357. [Wu Rongchang, Zhan Renbin, Liu Jianbo and Wang Guangxu. 2012. Brief comments on the base of the Dapingian along the margin of the Yangtze Platform. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 29(4), 352357 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  126. 梁艳, 詹仁斌. 2012. 华南上扬子区中奥陶统十字铺组的岩相与生物相. 地层学杂志, 36(3), 558568. [Liang Yan and Zhan Renbin. 2012. Litho- and biofacies of the Middle Ordovician Shihtzupu Formation of the Upper Yangtze Region, South China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 36(3), 558568 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  125. Donovan, S.K., Harper, D.A.T., Zhan Renbin, Stemmerik, L., Liu Jianbo and Stouge, S. 2012. A primitive cladid crinoid from the Jiacun Group, Tibet (Darriwilian, Middle Ordovician). Geological Journal, 47(6), 653660. (SCI)

  124. Izawa, M.R.M., Flemming, R.L., Zhan Renbin and Jin Jisuo. 2012. Characterization of green clay concretions from the Tonggao Formation, South China: Mineralogy, petrogenesis and paleoenvironmental implications. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 49, 10181026. (SCI)

  123. Fang Liang, Liu Jianbo and Zhan Renbin. 2012. Temporal distribution of piperocks in Cambrian and Ordovician: A coevolutionary process with changes of paleoenvironment. Science China Earth Sciences, 55(1), 2638. (SCI)

  122. 戎嘉余, 王怿, 詹仁斌, 唐鹏, 黄冰, 吴荣昌, 王光旭, 李越, 邓小杰. 2012. 论桐梓上升---志留纪埃隆晚期黔中古陆北扩的证据. 地层学杂志, 36(4), 679692. [Rong Jiayu, Wang Yi, Zhan Renbin, Tang Peng, Huang Bing, Wu Rongchang, Wang Guangxu, Li Yue and Deng Xiaojie. 2012. On the Tongzi uplift: Evidences of northward expansion of Qianzhong Oldland during Aeronian, Llandovery, Silurian. Journal of Stratigraphy, 36(4), 679692 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  121. 房亮, 刘建波, 詹仁斌. 2012. 寒武纪-奥陶纪管状岩的盛衰及其环境演变的协同. 中国科学: 地球科学, 42(1), 117129. [Fang Liang, Liu Jianbo and Zhan Renbin. 2012. Temporal distribution of piperocks in Cambrian and Ordovician: A coevolutionary process with changes of paleoenvironment. Science China Earth Sciences, 42(1), 117129 (in Chinese).]

  120. Zhan Renbin, Li Rongyu, Percival, I.G. and Liang Yan. 2011. Brachiopod biogeographic change during the Early to Middle Ordovician in South China. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 273287.

  119. Zhan Renbin, Liang Yan and Meng Lingkai. 2011. On the macroevolution of Eospirifer Schuchert, 1913 (Spiriferida, Brachiopoda). In: Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Rábano, I. and García-Bellido, D. (eds), Ordovician of the World. Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 14, 633648.

  118. Zhan Renbin, Liu Jianbo, Liang Yan and Li Guipeng. 2011. α- and β-diversity Change of Late Ordovician Hirnantia Fauna of Changning, Sichuan, Southwest China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 85(2), 330339. (SCI)

  117. 詹仁斌, 梁艳. 2011. 奥陶纪生物大辐射. 科学, 63(2), 1922. [Zhan Renbin and Liang Yan. 2011. The great Ordovician biotic radiation. Science, 63(2), 1922 (in Chinese).]

  116. Liu Jianbo, Zhan Renbin, Dai Xiao, Liao Hanqing, Ezaki, Y. and Adachi, N. 2011. Demise of Early Ordovician oolites in South China: Evidence for paleoceanographic changes before the GOBE. In: Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Rábano, I. and García-Bellido, D. (eds), Ordovician of the World. Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 14, 309317.

  115. Harper, D.A.T., Zhan Renbin, Stemmerik, L., Liu Jianbo, Donovan, S.K. and Stouge, S. 2011. Ordovician on the roof of the world: Macro- and microfaunas from tropical carbonates in Tibet. In: Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Rábano, I. and García-Bellido, D. (eds), Ordovician of the World. Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 14, 215220.

  114. Li Rongyu, Young, H.R. and Zhan Renbin. 2011. Drilling predation on scaphopods and other mollusks from the Upper Cretaceou of Manitoba, Canada. Palaeoworld, 20, 296307.

  113. Jin Jiuso, Rong Jiayu and Zhan Renbin. 2011. Oldest known Dicoelosia and Epitomyonia, deep water brachiopods from the Beiguoshan Formation (middle Katian, Upper Ordovician), Shaanxi, North China. Palaeontology, 54(4), 907922. (SCI)

  112. Percival, I.G., Popov, L.E., Zhan Renbin and Ghobadi Pour, M. 2011. Patterns of origination and dispersal of Middle to Late Orodovician brachiopods: Examples from South China, east Gondwana, and Kazakh terranes. In: Gutiérrez-Marco, J.C., Rábano, I. and García-Bellido, D. (eds), Ordovician of the World. Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 14, 413419.

  111. 王光旭, 邓占球, 詹仁斌. 2011. 川东华蓥山志留系兰多维列统白云庵组的珊瑚动物群. 古生物学报, 50(4), 450469. [Wang Guangxu, Deng Zhanqiu and Zhan Renbin. 2011. Coral fauna of the Baiyunan Formation (Silurian, Llandovery) from Huaying Mountain, eastern Sichuan. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 50(4), 450469 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  110. 戎嘉余, 陈旭, 王怿, 詹仁斌, 刘建波, 黄冰, 唐鹏, 吴荣昌, 王光旭. 2011. 奥陶-志留纪之交黔中古陆的变迁: 证据与启示. 中国科学: 地球科学, 41(10), 14071415. [Rong Jiayu, Chen Xu, Wang Yi, Zhan Renbin, Liu Jianbo, Huang Bing, Tang Peng, Wu Rongchang and Wang Guangxu. 2011. Northward expansion of Central Guizhou Oldland through the Ordovician and Silurian transition: Evidence and implications. Science China Earth Sciences, 41(10), 14071415 (in Chinese).]

  109. 樊隽轩, 张华, 侯旭东, 沈树忠, Wu Shuangye, 杨群, 王玥, 罗辉, 冷琴, 张元动, 詹仁斌, 陈清. 古生物学和地层学研究的定量化趋势GBDB数字化科研平台的建设及其意义. 古生物学报, 50(2), 141153. [Fan Junxuan, Zhang Hua, Hou Xudong, Shen Shuzhong, Wu Shuangye, Yang Qun, Wang Yue, Luo Hui, Leng Qin, Zhang Yuandong, Zhan Renbin and Chen Qing. 2011. Quatitative research trends in palaeobiology and stratigraphyConstruction of the Geobiodiversity Database (GBDB) using escience technology. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 50(2), 141153 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  108. Zhan Renbin and Liu Jianbo. 2010. The great Ordovician biodiversification in South China: A synopsis. 270284. In: Long Manyuan, Gu Hongya and Zhou Zhonghe (eds), Darwins Heritage TodayProceedings of the Darwin 200 Beijing International Conference. Beijing, Higher Education Press. 383 p.

  107. Zhan Renbin, Liu Jianbo, Percival, I.G., Jisuo Jin and Li Guipeng. 2010. Biodiversification of Late Ordovician Hirnantia Fauna on the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China. Science China Earth Sciences, 53(12), 18001810. (SCI) [中文版:詹仁斌, 刘建波, Ian G. Percival, 靳吉锁, 李贵鹏. 2010. 华南上扬子区晚奥陶世赫南特贝动物群的时空演变. 中国科学: 地球科学, 40(9), 11541163. [Zhan Renbin, Liu Jianbo, Percival, I.G., Jin Jisuo and Li Guipeng. 2010. Biodiversification of Late Ordovician Hirnantia Fauna on the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China. Science China: Earth Sciences, 40(9), 11541163 (in Chinese).]

  106. Zhan Renbin, Wang Guangxu and Wu Rongchang. 2010. Late Ordovician Foliomena fauna (Brachiopoda) of South China. Journal of Earth Science, 21(special issue), 6469. (SCI)

  105. Zhan Renbin, Jisuo Jin, Rong Jiayu, Zhu Xuejian and Han Nairen. 2010. Late Cambrian brachiopods from Jingxi, Guangxi Province, South China. Alcheringa, 34(2), 99133. (SCI)

  104. Zhan Renbin, Jisuo Jin and Chen Pengfei. 2010. Early-Mid Ordovician Yangtzeella (Syntrophiidina, Brachiopoda) and its evolutionary significance. Palaeontology, 53(1), 7796. (SCI)

  103. 詹仁斌, 张元动. 2010. 奥陶纪生物大辐射. 4754, 190191. : 中国古生物学会 , 古生物学学科发展报告. 北京, 中国科学技术出版社. 210 pp. [Zhan Renbin and Zhang Yuandong. 2010. Report on advances in the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event. 4754, 190191. In: Palaeontological Society of China, ed., Report on Advances in Palaeontology. Beijing, Chinese Science and Technology Publishing House. 210 pp (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  102. Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin, Xu Honggen, Huang Bing and Yu Guohua. 2010. Expansion of the Cathaysian Oldland through the Ordovician-Silurian transition: Emerging evidence and possible dynamics. Science China Earth Science, 53(1), 117. (SCI)

  101. Zhang Yuandong, Zhan Renbin, Fan Junxuan, Cheng Junfeng and Liu Xiao. 2010. Principal aspects of the Ordovician biotic radiation. Science China Earth Sciences, 53(3), 382394. (SCI)

  100. 戎嘉余, 詹仁斌, 许红根, 黄冰, 俞国华. 2010. 华夏古陆于奥陶-志留纪之交的扩展证据和机制探索. 中国科学: 地球科学, 40(1), 117. [Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin, Xu Honggen, Huang Bing and Yu Guohua. 2010. Evidences and dynamics of the expansion of the Cathaysian Oldland through the Ordovician-Silurian transition. Science China Earth Science, 40(1), 117 (in Chinese).]

  99. Wu Rongchang, Percival, I.G. and Zhan Renbin. 2010. Biodiversification of Early-Mid Ordovician conodonts from the Zitai Formation of Anhui Province, East China. Alcheringa, 34(1), 7586. (SCI)

  98. Huang Bing, Harper, D.A.T., Zhan Renbin and Rong Jiayu. 2010. Can the Lilliput Effect be detected in the brachiopod faunas of South China following the terminal Ordovician mass extinction? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 285, 277286. (SCI)

  97. 戎嘉余, 陈旭, 詹仁斌, 樊隽轩, 王怿, 张元动, 李越, 黄冰, 吴荣昌, 王光旭. 2010. 贵州桐梓县境南部奥陶系-志留系界线地层新认识. 地层学杂志, 34(4), 337348. [Rong Jiayu, Chen Xu, Zhan Renbin, Fan Juanxuan, Wang Yi, Zhang Yuandong, Li Yue, Huang Bing, Wu Rongchang and Wang Guangxu. 2010. New observation on Ordovician-Silurian boundary strata of southern Tongzi County, northern Guizhou, Southwest China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 34(4), 337348 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  96. Liu Jianbo, Yoichi, E., Natsuko, A. and Zhan Renbin. 2010. Evidence for decoupling of relative abundance and biodiversity of marine organisms in initial stage of GOBE: A preliminary study on Lower Ordovician shellbeds of South China. Journal of Earth Science, 21(special issue), 4448. (SCI)

  95. 沙金庚, 泮燕红, 王亚琼, 詹仁斌, 张元动, 张海春, 王向东, 袁文伟, 蔡华伟, 牟林, 王博, 林巍, 彭博. 2010. 宏体无脊椎动物古生物学. 8395, 196198. : 中国古生物学会 , 古生物学学科发展报告. 北京, 中国科学技术出版社. 210 pp. [Sha Jingeng, Pan Yanhong, Wang Yaqiong, Zhan Renbin, Zhang Yuandong, Zhang Haichun, Wang Xiangdong, Yuan Wenwei, Cai Huawei, Mu Lin, Wang Bo, Lin Wei and Peng Bo. 2010. Report on advances in mega-invertebrate palaeontology. 8395, 196198. In: Palaeontological Society of China, ed., Report on Advances in Palaeontology. Beijing: Chinese Science and Technology Publishing House. 210 pp (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  94. 詹仁斌, 张元动, 刘建波. 2009. 奥陶纪生物大辐射地球生命史中浩瀚的添砖加瓦工程. 106114. : 沙金庚 主编, 世纪飞跃辉煌的中国古生物学. 北京, 科学出版社. 292 pp. [Zhan Renbin, Zhang Yuandong and Liu Jianbo. 2009. The Ordovician radiationA massive biodiversification of the earth history. 106114. In: Sha Jingeng, ed., Century LeapThe Splendid Palaeontology of China. Beijing: Science Press. 492 pp (in Chinese).]

  93. Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin, Huang Bing and Harper, D.A.T. 2009. Discovery of a latest Ordovician deep water brachiopod fauna at Yuhang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, East China. Rendiconti della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 3(3), 333334.

  92. Liu Jianbo and Zhan Renbin. 2009. Temporal distribution of diagnostic biofabrics in the Lower and Middle Ordovician in North China: clues to the geobiology of the great Ordovician biodiversification event. Acta Geologica Sinica, 83(3), 513523. (SCI)

  91. 张元动, 詹仁斌, 樊隽轩, 成俊峰, 刘晓. 2009. 奥陶纪生物大辐射研究的关键科学问题. 中国科学D: 地球科学, 39(2), 129143. [Zhang Yuandong, Zhan Renbin, Fan Juanxuan, Cheng Junfeng and Liu Xiao. 2009. Some essential problems about the study of the great Ordovician biodiversification. Science in China, Series D: Earth Sciences, 39(2), 129143 (in Chinese).]

  90. 李贵鹏, 詹仁斌, 吴荣昌. 2009. 四川长宁双河晚奥陶世赫南特贝动物群及其对环境变化的响应. 高校地质学报, 15(3), 304317. [Li Guipeng, Zhan Renbin and Wu Rongchang. 2009. Response of Hirnantia Fauna to the environmental changes before the second phase of Late Ordovician mass extinction: Example from the Kuanyinchiao Formation at Shuanghe, southern Sichuan, southwest China. Geological Journal of China Universities, 15(3), 304317 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  89. Zhang Tonggang, Shen Yanan, Zhan Renbin, Shen Shuzhong and Chen Xu. 2009. Large perturbations of the carbon and sulfur cycle associated with the Late Ordovician mass extinction in South China. Geology, 37(4), 299302. (SCI)

  88. Huang Bing, Harper, D.A.T., Rong Jiayu and Zhan Renbin. 2009. Does Lilliput Effect of brachiopod exist in South China after the Late Ordovician mass extinction? Rendiconti della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 3(3), 299300.

  87. 戎嘉余, 周忠和, 王怿, 詹仁斌. 2009. 生命过程与环境的协同演化. 8191. : 中国科学院地学部地球科学发展战略研究组 , 21世纪我国地球科学发展战略研究. 北京, 科学出版社. [Rong Jiayu, Zhou Zhonghe, Wang Yi and Zhan Renbin. 2009. Life process and its coevolution with the earth environments. 8191. In: Strategic Research Group on Earth Sciences of the Earth Science Section of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, ed., Strategic Research on the 21st Century Chinese Earth Sciences. Beijing: Science Press (in Chinese).]

  86. Zhan Renbin and Jin Jisuo. 2008. Diversity analysis of the Early Ordovician Sinorthis Fauna (Brachiopoda) from the Meitan Formation of Zunyi, northern Guizhou, South China. In: Cusack, M. and Harper, D.A.T., eds, Brachiopod Research into the Third Mellennium-in honour of the late Sir Alwyn Williams. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth and Environmental Science, 98(3-4), 239251. (SCI)

  85. Zhan Renbin, Jin Jisuo, Rong Jiayu, Chen Pengfei and Yu Guohua. 2008. Strophomenide brachiopods from the Changwu Formation (late Katian, Late Ordovician) of Chunan, western Zhejiang, Southeast China. Palaeontology, 51(3), 737766. (SCI)

  84. Zhan Renbin and Jin Jisuo. 2008. Onshore migration of a deep-water brachiopod fauna from the Lower Ordovician Tonggao Formation, Jiangnan Slope, southeastern Guizhou Province, South China. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45(2), 141157. (SCI)

  83. Zhan Renbin and Jin Jisuo. 2008. Aspects of recent advances in the Ordovician stratigraphy and palaeontology of China. Palaeoworld, 17(1), 111.

  82. Zhan Renbin, Jin Jisuo, Zhang Yuandong and Yuan Wenwei. 2008. The great Ordovician radiation of marine life: Examples from South China. Progress in Natural Science, 18(1), 112. (SCI)

  81. Jin Jisuo and Zhan Renbin. 2008. Late Ordovician orthide and billingsellide brachiopods from Anticosti Island, Eastern Canada: diversity change through mass extinction. Ottawa: NRC Research Press. 151 pp + viii, pls 38. (专著)

  80. 吴荣昌, 詹仁斌, 李贵鹏. 2008. 安徽石台奥陶纪弗洛期大坪期牙形刺多样性的演变. 古生物学报, 古生物学报, 47(4), 444453. [Wu Rongchang, Zhan Renbin and Li Guipeng. 2008. Conodont diversification in the Zitai Formation (Floian-Dapingian, late Early-early Mid Ordovician) of Shitai, Anhui Province, East China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 47(4), 444453 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  79. Rong Jiayu, Jin Jisuo, Zhan Renbin and Bergstrm, J. 2008. The earliest known Stegerhynchus (Rhynchonellida, Brachiopoda) from the Hirnantian strata (uppermost Ordovician) at Borenshult, stergtland, Sweden. GFF, 130, 2130. (SCI)

  78. Rong Jiayu, Huang Bing, Zhan Renbin and Harper, D.A.T. 2008. Latest Ordovician brachiopod and trilobite assemblage from Yuhang, northern Zhejiang, East China: A window on Hirnantian deep-water benthos. Historical Biology, 20(2), 137148. (SCI)

  77. 戎嘉余, 黄冰, 詹仁斌, David A.T. Harper. 2008. 华东志留纪最早期的华夏正形贝动物群及其宏演化意义. 古生物学报, 47(2), 141167. [Rong Jiayu, Huang Bing, Zhan Renbin and Harper, D.A.T. 2008. The earliest Silurian Cathaysiorthis Fauna (brachiopods) of East China and its evolutionary significance. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 47(2), 141167 (in Chinese with English summary).]

  76. Zhan Renbin, Jin Jisuo and Li Guipeng. 2007. The Saucrorthis Fauna (Brachiopoda) and its implications for the Ordovician radiation in South China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 46(suppl.), 515522 (in English with Chinese abstract).

  75. Zhan Renbin, Jin Jisuo and Chen Pengfei. 2007. Brachiopod diversification during the EarlyMid Ordovician: An example from the Dawan Formation, Yichang area, central China. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 44(1), 924. (SCI)

  74. Zhan Renbin and Jin Jisuo. 2007. OrdovicianEarly Silurian (Llandovery) Stratigraphy and Palaeontology of the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China. Beijing: Science Press. 169 pp. (专著)

  73. Zhan Renbin and Vinn, O. 2007. Cornulitid epibionts on brachiopod shells from the Late Ordovician (middle Ashgill) of East China. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 56(2), 101108.

  72. 詹仁斌, 张元动, 袁文伟. 2007. 地球生命过程中的一个新概念奥陶纪生物大辐射. 自然科学进展, 17(8), 10061014. [Zhan Renbin, Zhang Yuandong and Yuan Wenwei. 2007. A brief introduction to the great Ordovician biodiversification of marine life. Progress in Nature Science, 17(8), 10061014 (in Chinese).]

  71. Jin Jisuo, Zhan Renbin, Copper, P. and Caldwell, W.G.E. 2007. Exopunctae and phosphatized setae in Late Ordovician plaesiomyid brachiopods from Anticosti Island, eastern Canada. Journal of Paleontology, 81(4), 666683. (SCI)

  70. 戎嘉余, 詹仁斌, 黄冰, 俞国华. 2007. 一个罕见的奥陶纪末期深水腕足动物群在浙江杭州余杭的发现. 科学通报, 52(22), 26322637. [Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin, Huang Bing and Yu Guohua. 2007. Discovery of an end Ordovician deep water brachiopod fauna at Yuhang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, E China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52(22), 26322637 (in Chinese).]

  69. 吴荣昌, 詹仁斌, 李贵鹏, 刘建波. 2007. 浅论华南扬子区下、中奥陶统紫台组. 地层学杂志, 31(4), 325332. [Wu Rongchang, Zhan Renbin, Li Guipeng and Liu Jianbo. 2007. Brief discussion on the Lower to Middle Ordovician Zitai Formation in the Yangtze Region, South China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 31(4), 325332 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  68. Jin Jisuo, Copper, P. and Zhan Renbin. 2007. Species-level response of tropical brachiopods to environmental crises during the Late Ordovician mass extinction. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 46(suppl.), 194200 (in English with Chinese abstract).

  67. Rong Jiayu, Jin Jisuo and Zhan Renbin. 2007. Early Silurian Sulcipentamerus and related pentamerid brachiopods from South China. Palaeontology, 50(1), 245266. (SCI)

  66. 张元动, 刘晓, 詹仁斌. 2007. 贵州遵义高桥奥陶系湄潭组下部的笔石. 古生物学报, 46(2), 145166. [Zhang Yuandong, Liu Xiao and Zhan Renbin. 2007. Early and Middle Ordovician graptolites from the Meitan Formation in Zunyi, Guizhou, China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 46(2), 145166 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  65. Zhan Renbin and Harper, D.A.T. 2006. Biotic diachroneity in Ordovician radiationEvidence from South China. Lethaia, 39, 211226. (SCI)

  64. Zhan Renbin, Jin Jisuo and Rong Jiayu. 2006. β-diversity fluctuations in Early-Mid Ordovician brachiopod communities of South China. Geological Journal, 41(3), 217288. (SCI)

  63. 詹仁斌, 戎嘉余. 2006. 华南早、中奥陶世之交的腕足动物辐射. : 戎嘉余, 方宗杰, 周忠和, 詹仁斌, 王向东, 袁训来 , 生物的起源、辐射与多样性演变华夏化石记录的启示. 259283, 865866. 北京, 科学出版社. [Zhan Renbin and Rong Jiayu. 2006. Early to Mid Ordovician brachiopod radiation of South China. In: Rong Jiayu, Fang Zongjie, Zhou Zhonghe, Zhan Renbin, Wang Xiangdong and Yuan Xunlai, eds, Originations, Radiations and Biodiversity ChangesEvidences from the Chinese Fossil Record. 259283, 865866. Beijing: Science Press (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  62. 詹仁斌, 陈朋飞. 2006. 湖北宜昌早中奥陶世大湾组腕足动物多样性演变. 古生物学报, 45(1), 2131. [Zhan Renbin and Chen Pengfei. 2006. Diversity change of brachiopods from the Dawan Formation (Arenig, Lower to Middle Ordovician) at Chenjiahe, Yichang, western Hubei Province. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 45(1), 2131 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  61. Rong Jiayu and Zhan Renbin. 2006. Surviving the end-Ordovician extinctions: evidence from the earliest Silurian brachiopods of northeastern Jiangxi and western Zhejiang provinces, East China. Lethaia, 39, 3948. (SCI)

  60. Jin Jisuo, Zhan Renbin and Rong Jiayu. 2006. Taxonomic reassessment of two virgianid brachiopod genera from the Upper Ordovician and Lower Silurian of South China. Journal of Paleontology, 80(1), 7282. (SCI)

  59. 陈朋飞, 詹仁斌. 2006. 扬子区下、中奥陶统大湾组及其同期地层. 地层学杂志, 30(1), 1120. [Chen Pengfei and Zhan Renbin. 2006. The Lower to Middle Ordovician Dawan Formation and its coeval rocks in the Yangtze Region. Journal of Stratigraphy, 30(1), 1120 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  58. 戎嘉余, 詹仁斌. 2006. 论大灭绝后的幸存类型、复活效应与避难所. 地学前缘, 13(6), 187197. [Rong Jiayu and Zhan Renbin. 2006. Re-evaluation of survivors, Lazarus taxa, and refugia from mass extinction. Earth Science Frontiers, 13(6), 187197 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  57. Rong Jiayu, Boucot, A.J., Harper, D.A.T., Zhan Renbin and Neuman, R.B. 2006. Global Analyses of brachiopod faunas through the Ordovician and Silurian transition: reducing the role of the Lazarus effect. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 43(1), 2339. (SCI)

  56. Chen Xu, Rong Jiayu, Fan Junxuan, Zhan Renbin, Mitchell, C.E., Harper, D.A.T., Melchin, M.J., Peng Ping'an, Finney, S.C. and Wang Xiaofeng. 2006. The Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Hirnantian Stage (the uppermost of the Ordovician System). Episodes, 29(3), 183196. (SCI)

  55. 陈旭, 戎嘉余, 樊隽轩, 詹仁斌, Charles E. Mitchell, David A.T. Harper, Michael J. Melchin, 彭平安, Stan C. Finney, 汪啸风. 2006. 奥陶系上统赫南特阶全球层型剖面和点位的建立. 地层学杂志, 30(4), 289305. [Chen Xu, Rong Jiayu, Fan Juanxuan, Zhan Renbin, Mitchell, C.E., Harper, D.A.T., Melchin, M.J., Peng Pingan, Finney, S.C. and Wang Xiaofeng. 2006. A final report on the global stratotype section and point (GSSP) for the Hirnantian Stage (Upper Ordovician). Journal of Stratigraphy, 30(4), 289305 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  54. 戎嘉余, 方宗杰, 周忠和, 詹仁斌, 袁训来, 王向东. 2006. 华夏化石记录对生物演化的启示. : 戎嘉余, 方宗杰, 周忠和, 詹仁斌, 王向东, 袁训来 , 生物的起源、辐射与多样性演变华夏化石记录的启示. 310. 北京, 科学出版社. 962 pp. [Rong Jiayu, Fang Zongjie, Zhou Zhonghe, Zhan Renbin, Yuan Xunlai and Wang Xiangdong. 2006. Implications of Chinese fossil record to the biotic evolution. In: Rong Jiayu, Fang Zongjie, Zhou Zhonghe, Zhan Renbin, Wang Xiangdong and Yuan Xunlai, eds, Originations, Radiations and Biodiversity ChangesEvidences from the Chinese Fossil Record. 310. Beijing: Science Press. 962 pp (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  53. Zhan Renbin and Jisuo Jin. 2005. Brachiopods from the Dashaba Formation (Middle Ordovician) of Sichuan Province, Southwest China. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 74, 63 pp. (SCI) (专著)

  52. Zhan Renbin and Jisuo Jin. 2005. Brachiopods from the Middle Ordovician Shihtzupu Formation of Yunnan Province, China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 50(2), 365393. (SCI)

  51. Zhan Renbin and Jisuo Jin. 2005. New data on the Foliomena fauna (Brachiopoda) from the Upper Ordovician of South China. Journal of Paleontology, 79(4), 669685. (SCI)

  50. Zhan Renbin, Rong Jiayu, Cheng Jinhui and Chen Pengfei. 2005. Early-Middle Ordovician brachiopod diversification in South China. Science in China (Series D, Earth Sciences), 48(5), 662675. (SCI)

  49. Rong Jiayu, Jisuo Jin and Zhan Renbin. 2005. Two new genera of Early Silurian stricklandioid brachiopods from South China and their bearing on stricklandioid classification and paleobiogeography. Journal of Paleontology, 79(6), 11431156. (SCI)

  48. Rong Jiayu, Harper, D.A.T., Zhan Renbin, Huang Youzhuang and Cheng Jinhui. 2005. Silicified rhynchonelliform brachiopods from the Kuniutan Formation (Darriwilian: Middle Ordovician), Guiyang, South China. Palaeontology, 48(6), 12111240. (SCI)

  47. 戎嘉余, 陈旭, 樊隽轩, 詹仁斌. 2005. 志留系全球界线层型的再研究”—志留系底界与温洛克统底界. 地层古生物论文集, 28, 4160. [Rong Jiayu, Chen Xu, Fan Juanxuan and Zhan Renbin. 2005. Restudy of two of Silurian GSSPs: the base of the Silurian and the base of the Wenlock Series. Professional Papers of Stratigraphy and Palaeontology, 28, 4160 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  46. 詹仁斌, 戎嘉余, 程金辉, 陈朋飞. 2004. 华南早、中奥陶世腕足动物生物多样性初探. 中国科学(D), 34(10), 896907. [Zhan Renbin, Rong Jiayu, Cheng Jinhui and Chen Pengfei. 2004. Preliminary study on the Early to Mid Ordovician brachiopod biodiversification of South China. Science in China (Series D), 34(10), 896907 (in Chinese).]

  45. Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin and Jisuo Jin. 2004. The Late Ordovician and Early Silurian pentameride brachiopod Holorhynchus Kiaer, 1902 from North China. Journal of Paleontology, 78(2), 287299. (SCI)

  44. 戎嘉余, 詹仁斌. 2004. 牛场组上扬子区南部志留系兰多维列统的一个新地层单位. 地层学杂志, 28(4), 300306. [Rong Jiayu and Zhan Renbin. 2004. Niuchang Formation, a new lithostratigraphic unit of Llandovery (Silurian) from the Upper Yangtze Region. Journal of Stratigraphy, 28(4), 300306 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  43. 戎嘉余, 詹仁斌. 2004. 华南早志留世腕足动物的复苏. : 戎嘉余, 方宗杰, 主编, 生物大灭绝与复苏--来自华南的证据. 97126. 合肥, 中国科技大学出版社. [Rong Jiayu and Zhan Renbin. 2003. Survival and recovery of brachiopods in Early Silurian of South China. In: Rong Jiayu and Fang Zongjie, eds, Biotic Mass Extinction and Recovery Afterwards---Evidences from South China. 97126. Hefei: China University of Science and Technology Press (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  42. 戎嘉余, 詹仁斌. 2004. 华南晚奥陶世腕足动物的大灭绝. : 戎嘉余, 方宗杰 主编, 生物大灭绝与复苏--来自华南的证据. 7196. 合肥, 中国科技大学出版社. [Rong Jiayu and Zhan Renbin. 2003. Late Ordovician brachiopod mass extinction of South China. In: Rong Jiayu and Fang Zongjie, eds, Biotic Mass Extinction and Recovery Afterwards---Evidences from South China. 7196. Hefei: China University of Science and Technology Press (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  41. Zhan Renbin, and Rong Jiayu. 2003. Preliminary investigation on Early to Middle Ordovician brachiopod biodiversity of South China. In: Albanesi, G.L., Beresi, M.S. and Peralta, S.H., eds, Ordovician from the Andes. INSUGEO Serie Correlacion Geologica, 17, 347353.

  40. 詹仁斌. 2003. 川东南中奥陶统大沙坝组的腕足动物群. 古生物学报, 42(4), 492516. [Zhan Renbin. 2003. Middle Ordovician brachiopod fauna of southern Upper Yangtze Platform, SW China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 42(4), 492516 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  39. 詹仁斌, 程金辉. 2003. 论上扬子区南部中奥陶统大沙坝组. 地层学杂志, 27(2), 109115. [Zhan Renbin and Cheng Jinhui. 2003. Remarks on the Ordovician Dashaba Formation of South China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 27(2), 109115 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  38. Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin and Harper, D.A.T. 2003. Rhuddanian (Llandovery, Silurian) brachiopod assemblages from the Yantze Region, South China. In: Ortega, G. and Acenolaza, G.F., eds, Proceedings of the 7th International Graptolite Conference and Field Meeting of the International Subcommission on Silurian Stratigraphy. INSUGEO Serie Correlacion Geologica, 18, 173178.

  37. 戎嘉余, 陈旭, 詹仁斌, 周志强, 郑昭昌, 王怿. 2003. 内蒙古西部额济纳旗晚奥陶世生物地理和奥陶-志留系分界. 古生物学报, 42(2), 149167. [Rong Jiayu, Chen Xu, Zhan Renbin, Zhou Zhiqiang, Zheng Zhaochang and Wang Yi. 2003. Late Ordovician biogeography and Ordovician-Silurian boundary in the Zhusilenhaierhan area, Ejin, western Inner Mongolia. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 42(2), 149167 (in Chinese with English summary).]

  36. Rong Jiayu, Chen Xu, Su Yangzheng, Ni Yunan, Zhan Renbin, Chen Tingen, Fu Lipu, Li Rongyu and Fan Junxuan. 2003. Silurian paleogeography of China. In: Landing, E. and Johnson, M.E., eds, Silurian Lands and Seas--Paleogeography Outside of Laurentia. New York State Museum Bulletin, 493, 243298.

  35.Zhan Renbin, Rong Jiayu, Jisuo Jin and Cocks, L.R.M. 2002. Late Ordovician brachiopod communities of southeastern China. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(4), 445468. (SCI)

  34. Jisuo Jin and Zhan Renbin. 2001. Late Ordovician articulate brachiopods from the Red River and Stony Mountain formations, southern Manitoba. Ottawa: NRC Research Press, 117 pp, 23 pls. (专著)

  33.Chen Xu, Rong Jiayu, Zhou Zhiyi, Zhang Yuandong, Zhan Renbin, Liu Jianbo and Fan Junxuan. 2001. The central Guizhou and Yichang uplifts, Upper Yangtze region, between Ordovician and Silurian. Chinese Science Bulletin, 46(18), 15801584. (SCI)

  32. 陈旭, 戎嘉余, 周志毅, 张元动, 詹仁斌, 刘建波, 樊隽轩. 2001. 上扬子区奥陶-志留纪之交的黔中隆起和宜昌上升. 科学通报, 46(12), 10521056. [Chen Xu, Rong Jiayu, Zhou Zhiyi, Zhang Yuandong, Zhan Renbin, Liu Jianbo and Fan Juanxuan. 2001. On the uplifts of middle Guizhou and Yichang in Upper Yangtze Region during the transition of Ordovician and Silurian. Chinese Science Bulletin, 46(12), 10521056 (in Chinese).]

  31. Jisuo Jin and Zhan Renbin. 2000. Evolution of the Late Ordovician orthid brachiopod Gnamptorhynchos Jin, 1989 from Platystrophia King, 1850 in North America. Journal of Paleontology, 74(6), 983991. (SCI)

  30. 陈旭, 戎嘉余, 樊隽轩, 詹仁斌, 张元动, 李荣玉, 王怿. 2000. 奥陶-志留系界线地层生物带的全球对比. 古生物学报, 39(1), 100114. [Chen Xu, Rong Jiayu, Fan Junxuan, Zhan Renbin, Zhang Yuandong, Li Rongyu and Wang Yi. 2000. A global correlation of biozones across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 39(1), 100114 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  29. 陈旭, 戎嘉余, 樊隽轩, 詹仁斌, 张元动, 王志浩, 王怿, 米切尔(Charles E. Mitchell), 哈珀(David A.T. Harper). 2000. 扬子区奥陶纪末赫南特亚阶的生物地层学研究. 地层学杂志, 24(3), 169175. [Chen Xu, Rong Jiayu, Fan Junxuan, Zhan Renbin, Zhang Yuandong, Wang Zhihao, Wang Yi, Mitchell, C.E. and Harper, D.A.T. 2000. Biostratigraphy of the Hirnantian Substage in the Yangtze Region. Journal of Stratigraphy, 24(3), 169175 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  28. Chen Xu, Rong Jiayu, Mitchell, C.E., Harper, D.A.T., Fan Junxuan, Zhan Renbin, Zhang Yuandong, Li Rongyu and Wang Yi. 2000, Late Ordovician to earliest Silurian graptolite and brachiopod zonation from Yangtze Region, South China with a global correlation. Geological Magazine, 137(6), 623650. (SCI)

  27. Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin and Harper, D.A.T. 1999. Late Ordovician (Caradoc-Ashgill) brachiopod faunas with Foliomena based on data from China. Palaios, 14(4), 412431. (SCI)

  26. Rong Jiayu and Zhan Renbin. 1999. Chief sources of brachiopod recovery from the end Ordovician mass extinction with special references to progenitors. Science in China (Series D), 42(5), 553560. (SCI)

  25. 戎嘉余, 詹仁斌. 1999. 奥陶纪末集群灭绝后腕足动物复苏的主要源泉--论先驱型生物的分类, 中国科学, D, 29(3), 232239. [Rong Jiayu and Zhan Renbin. 1999. Chief sources of brachiopod recovery from the end Ordovician mass extinction with special references to progenitors. Science in China (Series D), 29(3), 232239 (in Chinese).]

  24. 戎嘉余, 詹仁斌. 1999. 华南奥陶, 志留纪腕足动物群的更替兼论奥陶纪末冰川活动的影响. 现代地质, 13(4), 390394. [Rong Jiayu and Zhan Renbin. 1999. Ordovician-Silurian brachiopod fauna turnover in South China. GeoScience (Journal of Graduate School, China University of Geosciences), 13(4), 390394 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  23. 戎嘉余, 詹仁斌, 许汉奎. 1999. 已知最早的扭月贝类(腕足动物)在内蒙古乌海中奥陶统的发现. 古生物学报, 38(1), 3246. (全英文) [Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin and Xu Hankui. 1999. The oldest known strophomenoid from the Sandaokan Formation (late Arenig, Ordovician) of Inner Mongolia, North China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 38(1), 3246 (in English).]

  22. Harper, D.A.T., Rong Jiayu and Zhan Renbin. 1999. Late Ordovician development of deep-water brachiopod faunas. Acta Univeritatis Carolinae-Geologica, 43(1/2), 351353.

  21. Chen Xu, Rong Jiayu, Mitchell, C.E., Harper, D.A.T., Fan Junxuan, Zhan Renbin, Zhang Yuandong, Wang Zhihao and Wang Yi. 1999. Stratigrapgy of the Hirnantian Substage from Wangjiawan, Yichang, western Hubei and Honghuayuan, Tongzi, northern guizhou, China. Acta Univeritatis Carolinae-Geologica, 43(1/2), 233236.

  20. Zhan Renbin and Cocks, L.R.M. 1998. Late Ordovician brachiopods from the South China Plate and their palaeogeographical significance. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 59, 70 pp, 9pls. (SCI) (专著)

  19. 詹仁斌, 李荣玉. 1998. 晚奥陶世Altaethyrella(腕足动物)在中国的发现. 古生物学报, 37(2), 194211.(全英文) [Zhan Renbin and Li Rongyu. 1998. The discovery of Altaethyrella Severgina 1978 (late Ordovician rhynchonelloid brachiopods) in China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 37(2), 194211 (in English).]

  18. Cocks, L.R.M. and Zhan Renbin. 1998. Caradoc brachiopods from the Shan States, Burma (Myanmar). Bulletin of the Natural History Museum London, 54(2), 109130.

  17. 李荣玉, 詹仁斌. 1998. 浙赣边区晚奥陶世腕足类Altaethyrella zhejiangensis(Wang)的异时发育. 古生物学报, 37(1), 108120. [Li Rongyu and Zhan Renbin. 1998. Heterochrony of late Ordovician Altaethyrella zhejiangensis (Wang) from Zhejiang-Jiangxi border region. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 37(1), 108120 (in Chinese with English summary).]

  16. Chen Xu, Rowley, D.B, Rong Jiayu, Zhang Jin, Zhang Yuandong and Zhan Renbin. 1997. Late Precambrian through Early Paleozoic Stratigraphic and Tectonic Evolution of the Nanling Region, Hunan Province, South China. International Geology Review, 39, 469478.

  15. Rong Jiayu and Zhan Renbin. 1996. Brachidia of late Ordovician and Silurian eospiriferines (Brachiopoda). Palaeontology, 39(4), 941977. (SCI)

  14. Rong Jiayu and Zhan Renbin. 1996. Distribution and ecological evolution of the Foliomena fauna (late Ordovician brachiopods). In: Wang Hongzhen and Wang Xunlian, eds, Centennial Memorial Volume of Prof. Sun Yunzhu: Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, 9097. Beijing: China University of Geosciences Press.

  13. 戎嘉余, 方宗杰, 陈旭, 陈金华, 廖卫华, 孙东立, 詹仁斌, 沈建伟, 童金南. 1996. 生物复苏大绝灭后生物演化历程的第一幕. 古生物学报, 35(3), 259271. [Rong Jiayu, Fang Zongjie, Chen Xu, Chen Jinhua, Liao Weihua, Sun Dongli, Zhan Renbin, Shen Jianwei and Tong Jinnan. 1996. Biotic recovery--first episode from mass extinction. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 35(3), 356372 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  12. 詹仁斌, 戎嘉余. 1995. 浙赣边区晚奥陶世腕足动物四新属. 古生物学报, 34(5), 549574.(全英文) [Zhan Renbin and Rong Jiayu. 1995. Four new Late Ordovician brachiopod genera of the Zhejiang-Jiangxi border region, E China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 34(5), 549574 (in English).]

  11. 詹仁斌, 戎嘉余. 1995. 浙赣边区晚奥陶世腕足动物群落生态分布型式. 科学通报, 40(10), 932935. [Zhan Renbin and Rong Jiayu. 1995. Synecology and their distribution pattern of Late Ordovician brachiopods from the Zhejiang-Jiangxi border region, E. China. Chinese Bulletin of Sciences, 40(10), 932935 (in Chinese).]

  10. 戎嘉余, 詹仁斌. 1995. 论石燕的起源与早期演化. 科学通报, 40(22), 20682071. [Rong Jiayu and Zhan Renbin, 1995. On the origin and early evolution of eospiriferids. Chinese Bulletin of Sciences, 40(22), 20682071 (in Chinese).]

  09. 戎嘉余, 詹仁斌. 1995. 论奥陶纪叶月贝腕足动物群. 科学通报, 40(10), 928931. [Rong Jiayu and Zhan Renbin. 1995. On Foliomena fauna (Ordovician brachiopods). Chinese Bulletin of Sciences, 40(10), 928931 (in Chinese).]

  08. Chen Xu, Rong Jiayu, Wang Xiaofeng, Wang Zhihao, Zhang Yuandong and Zhan Renbin. 1995. Correlation of Ordovician Rocks of China. International Union of Geological Sciences Publication No. 31, 104 pp. (专著)

  07. 陈旭, 戎嘉余, David B. Rowley, 张进, 张元动, 詹仁斌. 1995. 对华南早古生代板溪洋的质疑. 地质论评, 41(5), 389400. [Chen Xu, Rong Jiayu, Rowley, D.B., Zhang Jin, Zhang Yuandong and Zhan Renbin. 1995. Is the Banxi Ocean necessary? Geological Review, 41(5), 389400 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  06. 詹仁斌, 傅力浦. 1994. 浙赣边区晚奥陶世地层之新见. 地层学杂志, 18(4), 267274. [Zhan Renbin and Fu Lipu. 1994. New observations on the Upper Ordovician stratigraphy of Zhejiang-Jiangxi border region, E China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 18(4), 267274 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  05. 詹仁斌, 戎嘉余. 1994. 江西玉山下镇晚奥陶世扭月贝族一新属Tashanomena. 古生物学报, 33(4), 416428.(全英文) [Zhan Renbin and Rong Jiayu. 1994. Tashanomena, a new strophomenoid genus from middle Ashgill rocks (Ordovician) of Xiazhen, Yushan, NE Jiangxi, East China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 33(4), 416428 (in English).]

  04. Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin and Han Nairen. 1994. The oldest hnown Eospirifer (Brachiopoda) in the Changwu Formation (Late Ordovician) of western Zhejiang, East China, with a review of the earliest spiriferoids. Journal of Paleontology, 68(4), 763776. (SCI)

  03. Rong Jiayu, Harper, D.A.T., Zhan Renbin and Li Rongyu. 1994. Kassinella-Christiania Associations in the early Ashgill Foliomena brachiopod fauna of South China. Lethaia, 27(1), 1928. (SCI)

  02. 陈旭, 戎嘉余, 汪啸风, 周志毅, 王志浩, 陈挺恩, 耿良玉, 邓占球, 胡兆旬, 董得源, 李军, 张元动, 詹仁斌. 1993. 中国奥陶纪生物地层学研究的新进展. 地层学杂志, 17(2), 8999. [Chen Xu, Rong Jiayu, Wang Xiaofeng, Zhou Zhiyi, Wang Zhihao, Chen Tingen, Geng Liangyu, Deng Zhanqiu, Hu Zhaoxun, Dong Deyuan, Li Jun, Zhang Yuandong and Zhan Renbin. 1993. New advances in the study of Ordovician biostratigraphy in China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 17(2), 8999 (in Chinese with English abstract).]

  01. Sun Weiguo and Zhan Renbin. 1991. Precambrian-Cambrian Transition in the Kunming region, Yunnan, China. The Second International Congress on Palaeoecology, Guidebook for Excrusion 1. Nanjing: Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology Academia Sinica. 52 pp. (专著)

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